What Kind Of Husband Are You Quiz?

Erin McCole Cupp
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 11787 | Updated: Mar 12, 2025
What Kind Of Husband Are You Quiz?

Every husband has a unique approach to marriage, shaped by his personality, values, and the way he expresses love. The "What Kind of Husband Are You?" quiz helps you discover your personality as a husband. Are you the responsible and reliable type, the adventurous soul, the charming social butterfly, or the deeply affectionate partner?

Understanding your type in husbands can help strengthen your relationship and improve communication with your spouse. Take this insightful quiz to uncover your dominant traits and gain a deeper understanding of how you contribute to your marriage.

Questions Excerpt

1. What were you thinking about on your wedding day?

A. The cost

B. How perfect everything was

C. How good we both looked together

D. How beautiful my wife was looking

2. How do you express love to your wife daily?

A. By ensuring all her needs are met and providing for the family

B. By encouraging her to join you in spontaneous activities

C. By complimenting her appearance and charm

D. By sharing intimate moments and expressing affection

3. Your idea of a perfect vacation is:

A. A family-friendly resort with planned activities

B. A spontaneous road trip with no set itinerary

C. A vibrant city known for its nightlife and social scene

D. A secluded getaway focused on romance

4. How do you handle financial decisions in your marriage?

A. You take charge to ensure financial stability

B. You prefer to live in the moment and not stress over finances

C. You discuss finances but don't let them dictate your lifestyle

D. You collaborate closely with your wife to make joint decisions

5. When choosing a gift for your wife, you

A. Select something practical that benefits the whole family

B. Opt for an unconventional item that reflects your adventurous spirit

C. Choose something that highlights her attractiveness

D. Pick a sentimental gift that symbolizes your love

6. How do you typically spend your weekends?

A. Working on household projects or planning for the family's future

B. Engaging in spontaneous adventures or personal hobbies

C. Attending social events and meeting new people

D. Planning romantic activities to enjoy with your wife

7. How do you both spend the Saturday night?

A. Take up some extra office work

B. Party hard or play video games

C. I’d ask her to go out somewhere with me, but if she doesn’t want to, I’ll go have fun without her

D. Movie and pizza date with my wife

8. You discover your wife has reached the maximum limit on your credit card. What would you do?

A. I will start working overtime to pay them off

B. Won’t mind it because it will help me get away with overspending in the future time

C. Downplay the issue or use charm to smooth things over

D. Have a loving conversation about how this happened and what we can do together to get in better financial shape

9. What would you do if your wife tells you she is having a baby?

A. Think about the future responsibilities

B. Go out and party

C. Tease her more

D. Celebrate and look forward to parenting with her

10. What would you do if you noticed your wife has put on a little weight?

A. Start cooking healthy dinners

B. I wouldn’t really notice

C. I would suggest we start going to the gym together

D. Let her know that she looks hotter now

11. What do you think is your main role as a husband?

A. To make sure my wife and children have everything they need

B. To find my own happiness

C. To be charming, playful, and desirable

D. To show my wife I love her every day

12. What is the level of excitement in your marriage?

A. Medium, and we're fine with it

B. High, and we also find excitement separately

C. Quite low and I find excitement in other places

D. Very high

13. How is your communication with your wife?

A. Effective and calm

B. We are open-minded and say everything we think

C. Not exactly sincere

D. Very intimate and close

14. Do you have secrets from you wife?

A. One or two, but nothing serious – I just don’t want to hurt her

B. I don’t call them secrets – she simply doesn’t need to know everything

C. Yes, the fact I am flirting with other women

D. No, it's not right to keep secrets from your wife

15. Do you expect your wife to be obedient?

A. No, but I need her to collaborate

B. No, every person should be free

C. It's easier if she is

D. No, I respect her wishes

16. You have a problem bugging you. Who do you tell it to?

A. To a close friend because I don't want to make my wife upset

B. To my best friend

C. To another woman

D. To my wife, of course

17. What is your wife for you?

A. A life partner and best friend

B. Someone to go home to for comfort

C. Someone that used to attract me, but we've grown apart

D. The love of my life

18. What does a perfect day look like to you?

A. I spend time at home with my family working on projects around the house

B. I go fishing alone and meditate

C. I meet new people and talk to beautiful women

D. I spend the entire day with my wife and in the evening have a romantic dinner together

19. How do you end an argument with your wife?

A. I stop thinking about it and get back to work

B. I leave home or do something I enjoy alone

C. I send text messages to a female friend complaining about what has just happened

D. I hug my wife and try to work things out

20. What do you use your savings for?

A. To make sure my family is safe now and in the future

B. To go out with friends and have a great time

C. To go to social events where I’m the life of the party

D. To surprise my wife by giving her gifts

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