Are You Falling Out Of Love With Your Husband Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 13493 | Updated: Jun 27, 2022
 Are You Falling out of Love With Your Husband Quiz?

Love is what makes the world go round. Falling in love is a great experience. It mostly takes attraction to start a relationship. Many people enter their marriage professing eternal love for their partners, but marriage is more than love. It takes more than love to build a solid marriage.

A number of factors will determine whether that relationship will last a lifetime or otherwise.

Effective communication, trust, respect, and understanding are needed to maintain a relationship. Relationships require a lot of work and commitment to keep love intact. In the absence of these, one begins to fall out of love and that’s how the relationship begins to fall apart. So, are you falling out of love with your husband?

Questions Excerpt

1. For how long have you been married?

A. For just a few years

B. For quite a long time

C. For a few months

2. How did you meet each other?

A. On a dating site

B. At the grocery shop

C. At the movies

3. What do you find attractive about your husband?

A. His muscles

B. His character

C. His persona

4. How long did you date before marrying?

A. For a few months

B. For several years

C. For a few years

5. Were you in love with your husband when you got married?

A. Yes, I was

B. Yes, I was totally in love with him

C. Just a little bit

6. What kind of wedding did you have?

A. Beach wedding

B. Garden wedding

C. Court wedding

7. What is your best time together?

A. There’s really no best time together

B. Watching a movie together

C. Taking a walk together

8. How do you settle your conflicts?

A. Don’t talk about it

B. Talk about it

C. See a therapist

9. What is the weakness of your husband?

A. Infidelity

B. Laziness

C. Stingy

10. Have you ever thought of divorcing your husband?

A. Yes, many times

B. No, never

C. A few times

11. Do you find yourself thinking about someone else?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Yes, but not romantically

12. Do you feel excited to see your husband?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Sometimes

13. Do the two of you go out on dates?

A. No

B. Yes

C. We go out, but not on proper dates

14. Has cheating ever crossed your mind?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Yes, but I will never go through with it

15. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

A. Single and living my life

B. Living with my husband and kids

C. Not sure

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