Does My Husband Respect Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 8284 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Does My Husband Respect Me Quiz?

When it comes to relationships, respect is very important. It is not only a sign of love but also a sign of commitment from both partners.

When it comes to husbands, they may seek more power than their partners because of societal influences and pressures. But, it has been proven that successful men usually depend a lot on their wives’ advice and their support behind doors. So, do you think you receive enough respect from your husband? Take our 'Does my husband respect me" quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How much do you trust your husband?

A. A lot

B. A little bit

C. Not at all

D. Sometimes I do trust him

2. Do you think your husband trusts you with his life?

A. Yes, of course

B. No

C. Not with his money

D. Yes, because he says so

3. Are you happy with your marriage?

A. Yes, very happy

B. No, not so much

C. It depends on my mood

D. Sometimes I feel very lucky

4. Do you think your husband is exemplary?

A. Yes, he is a great husband and a great father

B. Yes, he is fun to be around

C. Yes, he is very consistent

D. No.

5. How does your husband show you that he respects you?

A. By telling me that he loves me

B. By giving me kisses and hugs

C. By offering me gifts

D. He doesn't really respect me

6. Do you think you deserve your husband’s respect?

A. Yes

B. Yes, like most women

C. No, because I've done lots of bad things

D. Why shouldn't I

7. How do you show your partner that you appreciate them?

A. By telling them how much I appreciate them

B. By wearing lingerie at night

C. By offering him gifts

D. By cooking him a great meal

8. How does your husband prove to you that he respects you?

A. By telling me that he loves me

B. By proving that he loves me

C. By helping me around the house

D. By doing nothing

9. How many times has your husband told you that he loved you?

A. Several times

B. A few times

C. Only once

D. Never

10. Do you think your husband’s lack of respect is caused by you?

A. Yes

B. Not necessarily

C. Probably

D. Absolutely not

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