Are You In A Toxic Relationship Quiz?

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
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Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 130806 | Updated: Dec 12, 2024
Are You in a Toxic Relationship Quiz?

We all dream of a loving and supportive partnership, but sometimes relationships can turn harmful without us even realizing it. It's easy to get caught up in the good times and overlook the warning signs.

This 'Are you in a toxic relationship' quiz is designed to help you reflect on your relationship dynamics. By answering a few questions, you can gain valuable insights into whether your relationship is healthy or if there might be toxic patterns that need to be addressed.

Remember, recognizing the signs is the first step toward creating a more positive and fulfilling connection.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do they react when you achieve a personal goal or success?

A. They celebrate and show genuine happiness for my achievement

B. They acknowledge it, but the excitement seems forced or lacking

C. They seem uninterested or dismissive of my accomplishment

D. They show jealousy or try to downplay my success

2. How do they support your personal growth and goals?

A. They actively encourage my ambitions and help me pursue them.

B. They show some interest but don’t really engage with my goals.

C. They seem indifferent to my aspirations and don't support them.

D. They belittle my goals, saying I’ll never succeed.

3. How do they react to your past relationships or experiences?

A. They are supportive and want to understand my past

B. They listen but occasionally express jealousy.

C. They downplay my experiences or say I shouldn’t dwell on them.

D. They criticize my past choices, making me feel bad about myself.

4. When you express a need for personal space, how do they respond?

A. They understand and respect my need for space.

B. They seem reluctant but eventually give me space.

C. They don't understand why I need space and push to stay close.

D. They get angry and accuse me of not caring about them

5. How does your spouse handle your social life and friendships?

A. They encourage me to spend time with my friends and support my social life.

B. They don’t mind me hanging out with friends but don’t show much interest.

C. They get upset if I spend time with others, wanting me to stay home.

D. They often criticize my friends and try to isolate me from them.

6. How do they react when you share your feelings or insecurities?

A. They listen empathetically and offer reassurance.

B. They listen but seem unsure how to respond.

C. They roll their eyes or seem annoyed.

D. They dismiss my feelings, telling me I'm overreacting.

7. When you voice concerns about their behavior, how do they react?

A. They listen, reflect, and make an effort to change their behavior

B. They listen but may not take immediate action to address the concerns

C. They dismiss my concerns or become defensive

D. They get angry, blame me, or refuse to acknowledge any issues

8. How do they handle your emotional needs or moments of vulnerability?

A. They offer support and comfort, being attentive to my emotions

B. They try to help but may not fully understand or connect emotionally

C. They seem distant or dismissive when I'm emotional

D. They show little to no empathy and may even mock or criticize my emotions

9. How often do they apologize when they make a mistake?

A. They always take responsibility and apologize sincerely right away

B. They apologize, but it feels insincere or reluctant

C. They rarely apologize and only if I complain, and they prefer to avoid acknowledging their mistakes

D. They hardly ever apologize and often blame others instead, especially me

10. What happens when you express a different opinion or disagree with your partner?

A. We have respectful discussions and try to understand each other's perspectives

B. They listen but don't seem open to changing their opinion

C. They dismiss my opinion or belittle my views

D. They get angry and start arguing, unwilling to accept any disagreement

11. How does your partner act after a heated argument or conflict that they initiated?

A. They apologize and then make a frantic effort to get better

B. They don't own up but try to make up by initiating dates and buying flowers

C. They act indifferently like the conflict is no big deal

D. They avoid you afterward, expecting me to come to apologize to them

12. How do they respond to issues that concern you?

A. They give it priority and a sense of urgency, ensuring the issues are sorted out well

B. They seem to drag their feet but eventually respond positively

C. They handle it after many reminders but with no sense of urgency or concern for improvement.

D. They have more important issues on their list to tend to and often suggest that I deal with my issues alone.

13. How does your partner treat your relationship with others?

A. They respect my friends and family and bond with them

B. They are very civil with my friends and family. They acknowledge them but do not attempt to bond.

C. They are indifferent about them and carry on like they don't exist

D. They try to alienate me from them and are often rude in dealing with people that are related to me

14. How does your partner treat you in public?

A. They give me all the attention, showing small signs of physical affection.

B. They sit with me but don't make any physical contact

C. They completely abandon me and act as if I were absent

D. They look for opportunities to mock me or complain about me to the people around us

15. Something didn’t go right for you in public. What usually happens?

A. My partner covers for me making light of the situation so I don't feel awkward

B. My partner stands there with me but doesn't say a word

C. My partner watches and laughs at my situation, not taking my feelings seriously

D. My partner publicly reprimands me, drawing obvious attention to my flaws

16. When work-related calls or text messages come that steals your attention from your partner, how does your partner react?

A. My significant other addresses the issue, encouraging me to set boundaries.

B. They don't talk about it but start to act withdrawn

C. Acts like it's no big deal

D. Gets angry, confronts me, and starts scrolling through my messages in my absence

17. Whenever a disagreement is brewing, what happens?

A. We have a calm discussion and eventually reach a solution

B. My partner leaves me to my views but becomes moody afterward

C. My partner jokes over the issue and then avoids it in the future

D. My partner attacks me verbally, blaming me for problems I didn’t cause

18. When you are faced with a challenge, what happens?

A. I don't feel alone; like a team, we both face the issue head on, with my partner encouraging me all the way through

B. My partner is present all the way but hardly gives any words of solidarity or support

C. My partner seems indifferent when I am having a hard time

D. My partner seem to have more important commitments than being by my side through my difficulties

19. When one of you needs to make a sacrifice, what usually happens?

A. We discuss our options and as a team, we settle on a decision that meets the higher priority

B. They make the sacrifice without as much as seeking my opinion about it

C. They don’t specifically request that I give in, but they apply subtle pressure, leaving me with no option but to make the sacrifice

D. They consistently assume I will give up on my preferences like it's not an issue worth discussion

20. When you attempt to communicate about issues that are a source of concern in your relationship, what’s your partner’s reaction?

A. They listen with rapt attention and truly want to know the way forward for us both

B. They listen but don't indulge me but try to make amends afterward

C. They are indifferent, acting as if I worry unnecessarily

D. It ends up in a fight, with them acting up all defensive

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