Does My Husband Love Me Anymore Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 28880 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Does My Husband Love Me Anymore Quiz

At some point you may have felt that you were living the best life with your husband. But with time, feelings can fade for many, especially when it comes to marriages. And even if your husband may realize that you mean a lot to them, they can have doubts or become complacent towards the relationship for various reasons. 

So, do you think your husband still loves you? Take our ‘Does my husband love me’ quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your husband give you hugs out of nowhere?

A. Not anymore

B. Yes, but it's rare

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, he does

2. Does your husband call you at work just to have random conversations?

A. Not anymore

B. Whenever he feels like it but it’s not enough for me

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, all the time

3. Does your husband still tell you that he loves you?

A. No, never

B. Not really

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, everyday

4. Does your husband still give you presents?

A. No, not anymore

B. Yes, but it's rare

C. Sometimes

D. All the time

5. Does your husband still desire you sexually?

A. I don't think so

B. I think so but I’m not sure

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, of course

6. Does your husband still enjoy your company?

A. No

B. Maybe

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

7. Does your husband still hold your hands when he talks to you?

A. No

B. Yes, but it's rare

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, all the time

8. Does your husband still wish to have kids with you?

A. No

B. I don't think so but I could be wrong

C. I don't know

D. Yes

9. Do you feel like your husband is avoiding you more and more?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. It’s possible but I am not sure

D. No

10. Has your husband become more aggressive with you?

A. Yes

B. I think so

C. Not really

D. Not at all

11. Do you argue all the time with your husband?

A. Yes, I can't help it

B. Sometimes

C. It's rare, but yes it happens

D. No, never

12. What do you and your husband argue about?

A. Money

B. Infidelity

C. Anything

D. In rare moments we argue about silly stuff

13. Do you feel like you get back from your husband whatever you give out emotionally to him?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. I'm not sure

D. No, I seem to be more invested

14. Do you feel included in your husband’s life?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. It depends on the project

15. Does your husband talk about you behind your back?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. It’s possible but I can’t prove it

D. No, he would never do that

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