What Is The State Of My Marriage Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 215 | Updated: Mar 28, 2023
 What Is the State of My Marriage Quiz?

Is your marriage working well or do you have issues? Do you ever wonder how your marriage is going? Maybe it’s time to take a health check for your relationship. Take this ‘what is the state of my marriage’ quiz to gain insight into the state of your relationship and identify areas for improvement.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often does your partner tell you they love you?

A. Every day

B. Every few days

C. Once a week

D. Rarely

2. Is your partner proud of you?

A. A lot

B. Moderately

C. Slightly

D. Not at all

3. What is your partner’s attitude when you have different opinions?

A. They agree to disagree

B. They are not happy but end up accepting my opinion

C. They ignore my opinion

D. They start a fight

4. Do you two enjoy kissing?

A. Very much

B. Mostly yes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

5. How does your partner get on with your extended family?

A. Very well

B. Satisfactorily

C. They don't get on very well, but respect each other

D. They are enemies

6. Does your partner understand how time-consuming is parenting for you?

A. Yes, they are very supportive

B. Yes, but they could do better

C. Not really

D. Not at all

7. How well do you communicate on family issues?

A. Very well

B. Satisfactorily

C. Not very well

D. Very badly

8. Does your partner respond affirmatively when you ask for assistance?

A. Always

B. Most times

C. Sometimes

D. Never

9. Does your partner like your friends?

A. Yes, all of them

B. Most of them

C. A few of them

D. None of them

10. What is more important to your partner, you, or their hobbies?

A. Me, every time

B. Me, most times

C. They seem equally important

D. Their hobbies

11. How is your sex life going?

A. Good

B. Decent well

C. Not bad

D. Not satisfying

12. Do you spend time with just each other?

A. Yes, daily

B. Yes, once a week

C. Not much

D. Rarely

13. How do you greet each other after being apart the entire day?

A. We kiss each other

B. We hug for a few seconds

C. We say ‘Hi’ to each other

D. We just make eye contact to let the other person know ‘I’m home’

14. Do you appreciate each other?

A. Yes, for a lot of things

B. Yes, for certain things

C. Yes, occasionally

D. That’s rare

15. Do you support each other in front of others?

A. Yes

B. Mostly

C. Only when it’s really needed

D. Depends on the matter at hand

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