Is Your Relationship Falling Apart Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 66445 | Updated: Dec 13, 2024
Is Your Relationship Falling Apart Quiz

Relationships are like delicate ecosystems; sometimes, signs of trouble can surface. This quiz will help you recognize potential indicators of difficulties in your relationship.

Remember, every relationship has its ups and downs, and identifying issues is the first step toward addressing them. Whether you're seeking clarity or just checking in, this quiz can provide insights into the health of your relationship.

Let's begin by taking this "Is your relationship falling apart?" quiz to better understand where things stand.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you think you and your partner are living separate lives?

A. No

B. Only when both of us are busy

C. Sometimes

D. All the time

2. How do you and your partner approach conflicts?

A. We resolve them together in a calm and respectful way

B. We try, but emotions sometimes get in the way

C. Conflicts are frequent and often unresolved

D. We avoid discussing problems altogether

3. How often do you enjoy physical or emotional intimacy?

A. Regularly, it’s a key part of our connection

B. Sometimes, but it’s not as frequent as I’d like

C. Rarely, it feels forced or disconnected

D. Never, intimacy feels completely absent

4. Do you feel excited about the future of your relationship?

A. Yes, I’m confident about what’s ahead for us

B. Somewhat, though I have minor concerns

C. Not really, I often feel uncertain

D. No, I dread what lies ahead

5. When you face challenges, how does your partner respond?

A. They’re supportive and help me through every time

B. They help when they can, but it’s inconsistent

C. They usually don’t notice when I’m struggling

D. They seem indifferent or add to the stress

6. How often do you feel heard by your partner during conversations?

A. Always, they listen and understand me fully

B. Most of the time, though we sometimes misunderstand each other

C. Occasionally, it feels like they’re distracted or uninterested

D. Rarely or never, I feel ignored or dismissed

7. Do you want to get out of this relationship?

A. No

B. I don't think so

C. Maybe

D. Yes

8. Do you feel something is missing from your relationship?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

D. All the time

9. How is your sexual life with your partner?

A. Amazing and fulfilling

B. Satisfactory

C. It is okay, I guess

D. I am thoroughly dissatisfied

10. Do you discuss the future of your relationship?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

11. Who do you talk to about your relationship when you two are in trouble?

A. Directly to my partner

B. Just to very close relatives

C. To friends

D. To everyone around

12. Have any of you two cheated on their partner?

A. No, never

B. Yes, but it wasn't serious

C. Yes, multiple times

D. Infidelity is the norm for our relationship

13. How often do you go out with your partner?

A. A couple of times a week

B. Once a week

C. Every few weeks

D. Never

14. An attractive new person comes to work. What do you think about this?

A. Absolutely nothing

B. This is an opportunity to make a friend

C. I wonder how careful I should be

D. I'm thinking about how to attract their attention

15. Do you feel bored with your partner?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

D. Yes, very bored, and I feel no interest in them any more

16. How well do you two communicate?

A. Very well

B. Pretty well

C. There could be some improvements

D. We either fight or give each other the silent treatment.

17. Are you sure you love your spouse?

A. Very sure

B. So-so

C. Not really

D. I am pretty sure I don't love him or her anymore

18. How often do you have fights with your partner that you can’t resolve?

A. Rarely

B. Occasionally

C. Once a week

D. At least once every day

19. What do you feel when you come home from work?

A. I feel happy

B. I feel relaxed

C. I am indifferent

D. I feel anxious

20. When is the last time you have been physically affectionate with your partner?

A. Just the other day

B. Days ago

C. Weeks ago

D. I can't even remember

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