Are You In A Controlling Relationship Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 20176 | Updated: Aug 03, 2023
 Are You in a Controlling Relationship Quiz?

A controlling relationship is one where you let your significant other tell you what to do. This person might control you in a passive way or in a very direct and rigorous way. You might let yourself get controlled by someone else when you lack self-confidence or when you are too much in love to see what is going on truly. 

So, are you in a controlling relationship? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who makes the decisions in your relationship?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. Neither of us

D. We both do

2. Who is always right in your relationship?

A. I am

B. My lover

C. None of us

D. We both feel like we should always be right

3. Who gets mad when they get contradicted in your relationship?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. Both of us do

D. Neither one of us

4. Who has control over everything in your relationship?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. Both of us do

D. Neither one

5. Who speaks up for the couple?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. Both of us do

D. None of us do

6. Who solves problems in your relationship?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. Both of us do

D. Neither one of you do

7. Who scares people away in your relationship?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. We both do

D. Neither one of us

8. Who seems to have more charisma in this relationship?

A. Me

B. My lover

C. We both have charisma

D. Neither one of us

9. Who draws goals in your relationship?

A. We both do

B. I do

C. My lover

D. We both don’t have specific goals as such

10. Who has the last say in this relationship?

A. I do

B. My lover

C. We share equal power in the relationship

D. Nobody

11. Are you scared of upsetting your partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I’m not sure

12. Have you ever felt suffocated in your relationship?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I don’t think so

13. Do you miss the freedom that you had when you were single?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. No, not at all

14. Are you always concerned about your partner’s reactions to things?

A. Yes, it’s true

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. I don’t think so

15. What is your reaction when your partner enters a room?

A. I usually get scared

B. I love it

C. I get more comfortable

D. I’m not sure

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