What Do You Look For In A Girl Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 303 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Do You Look for in a Girl Quiz
Do you ever wonder what kind of qualities matter most to you in a girl? What kind of things are high up on your priority list when it comes to finding the right girl for you? Your perfect person could be standing right in front of you, but would you even know it? Attraction is an important element of dating and relationships. You need to feel a connection with a girl before you know if she is “the one”. Take this ‘What do you look for in a girl quiz’ if you want to find out what kind of characteristics you value most in a girl.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is usually one of the first things you notice about a woman?

A. Her physical beauty

B. Her intelligence

C. Her ability to make you laugh

2. How does your dream girl spend her free time?

A. Working out at the gym

B. Reading books

C. Watching comedies

3. When it comes to women, your biggest turn-on is:

A. Someone who is extremely sexy

B. Someone who can challenge you intellectually

C. Someone who makes you laugh

4. You wouldn’t be able to date someone who:

A. Was overweight

B. Didn’t go to college

C. Has no sense of humor

5. What do you imagine your perfect girl’s occupation being?

A. A model

B. A lawyer

C. A comedian

6. What is your ideal woman’s greatest accomplishment:

A. Winning a beauty pageant

B. Earning a scholarship

C. Being the funniest girl in the room

7. What words best describe your ‘type’ of girl?

A. Hot, sexy, pretty

B. Witty, clever, bright

C. Goofy, amusing, humorous

8. After a long day of work, what does she do to unwind?

A. Go to the beach to work on her tan

B. Watch a historic documentary

C. Go see a funny movie with girlfriends

9. Your favorite body part on a girl is:

A. Her flat stomach

B. Her brain

C. Her smile

10. The girl you envision yourself marrying one day is:

A. Blonde and gorgeous

B. A powerful businesswoman

C. foolish and silly

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