Is Your Marriage Still Hot Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 52 | Updated: Mar 31, 2023
 Is Your Marriage Still Hot Quiz?

Some people manage to keep their marriage the same way it was during their honeymoon, while for other couples love seems to grow cold over time. If you hear friends saying that they still feel like they are in love years into a relationship, you should know that it is real. You can enjoy the feeling too if you take care to feed the fire of your marriage with the right kind of fuel. Take this quiz to find out if your marriage is still hot and what its temperature is!

Questions Excerpt

1. When did your marriage become the most romantic?

A. Surprisingly and against all odds, after having kids

B. It has always been romantic

C. After getting married but before having children

D. We were romantic only before tying the knot

2. How often do you have sex?

A. Every day

B. Two-three times a week

C. Once a week

D. A couple of times a month or more rarely

3. What do you do in your free time, for instance when kids are sleeping?

A. We get intimate

B. We talk about how the day was

C. We just rest because we're too tired

D. We spend time on our separate interests

4. How often do you go out on a date?

A. Once a week at least

B. Once or twice a month

C. Every couple of months

D. Rarely, or we haven't done that for ages

5. How do you manage conflicts?

A. We stay calm, listen to each other, and makeup before going to bed

B. We talk about it although we don't enjoy it

C. I roll my eyes and avoid the issue

D. We become aggressive

6. What do you think about flowers and candy?

A. I like to receive or offer them very often

B. They are an occasional sign of affection

C. They should be kept for special occasions

D. It's what lovers give in the movies

7. What do you wear in bed?

A. Nothing, I am naked

B. Sexy lingerie

C. Funny lingerie

D. Comfortable pajamas

8. Do you think it is possible to have an affair… with your partner?

A. Absolutely, we do it every night

B. It's a good idea, we should try this!

C. Could be, but we're not that adventurous

D. This is nonsense

9. What movie title best describes your marriage?

A. Titanic

B. Cold Mountain

C. Love Actually

D. Kramer vs. Kramer

10. Do you ever feel your marriage is a disappointment?

A. Never!

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

11. Do you criticize your partner often?

A. No, that’s rare

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, often

D. Yes, they do a lot of annoying things

12. In whom do you find your support system?

A. My partner

B. My parents

C. My friends

D. Myself

13. Do you feel fortunate to have your spouse in your life?

A. Yes, always

B. Mostly

C. Sometimes

D. I don't think so

14. When was your last vacation together?

A. A few weeks back

B. A few month back

C. More than 6 months back

D. Years back

15. Do you discuss your fantasies with each other?

A. Yes

B. Most of them

C. Some of them

D. No

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