Is Your Crush Into You Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 342 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Is Your Crush Into You Quiz
The recent thing boggling your mind is whether that person you think of day and night and wish you could have is into you. You try to show all the signals and make an extra move to be noticed, but you’re unsure if the feeling is mutual. rnSometimes it looks like your crush into you. Other times it’s just another thing. You’ve been left wondering, “Is your crush into you” take this quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you talk to your crush in a day?

A. A lot of times, I can’t count

B. Well, just about once or twice and if it’s necessary

C. Not at all, doesn’t even return my calls

2. How does your crush act in your presence?

A. I do feel their nervousness sometimes. Well, I’m also nervous around my crush too

B. Calm and gentle with a big smile towards everyone

C. They don’t even notice me

3. Does your crush offer to do things for you?

A. Yes, all the time, and they insist

B. Yes, but they do for others too

C. No, not once

4. Do you go on dates with your crush?

A. Yes, a couple of times

B. Yes, but with other friends

C. Hasn’t even asked me out on a date

5. Does your crush make it a point to greet you early in the morning and bid you goodnight?

A. Always the first

B. No, unless it’s a meaningful conversation

C. No, not at all

6. Does your crush get you stuff on your birthday?

A. Yes, very special gift

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No

7. Has your crush ever asked if you’re dating anyone?

A. Always does

B. Just once during a conversation

C. Doesn't care

8. Do you feel your crush gets jealous when you mention another person?

A. Yes! A lot

B. No, not really

C. Not at all

9. Does your crush try to know you by asking questions personal to you?

A. Yes, we have a lot of personal conversations

B. We have normal conversations

C. We don’t really talk

10. Does your crush tell you their deepest secrets?

A. Yes, we share a lot of secrets

B. Yes, but open secrets

C. No, doesn’t share anything personal stuff with me

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