What Kind Of Guy Is Right For Me Quiz

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 36880 | Updated: Oct 09, 2024
What Kind Of Guy Is Right For Me Quiz

Love and relationships can be tricky, but they are the easiest with someone who is only meant for us. With so many types of personalities around us, it can be challenging to understand the kind that is meant for you.

Our experiences since childhood shape us into the individual we are, and we all have certain needs and wants from our partners.

Wondering, "What kind of guy is right for me?"

Take this quiz to find out the type of personality you may be the most compatible with.

Questions Excerpt

1. What among these is the most important to you?

A. Romance

B. Empathy

C. Fun and adventure

D. Stability

2. How do you describe your personality?

A. Adventurous

B. Friendly

C. Determined

D. Romantic

3. Can you look past your partner’s flaws?

A. No, they have to be ideal

B. Of course, nobody is perfect

C. Yes, I have to be the bigger person

D. Depends on the type of flaw

4. What, according to you, is the “spark” in a relationship?

A. Romance

B. Understanding

C. Maturity

D. Adventure

5. How do you feel about long-distance relationships?

A. They are super romantic!

B. With empathy and understanding, they are achievable

C. They terrify me

D. As long as there is maturity, we can handle it

6. Do you wish to get married one day?

A. Yes

B. I have thought about it

C. Not necessarily

D. My career and work will always be my top priority

7. What matters the most to you?

A. Looks

B. Personality

C. Maturity

D. Kindness

8. How do you solve fights in your relationship?

A. Make a pros and cons list

B. You storm off and avoid confrontation

C. You believe in talking things out

D. A big, romantic gesture can fix anything!

9. What is your biggest pet peeve?

A. When people are late

B. When someone keeps talking about their work

C. When someone does not want to talk about their emotions

D. When someone is unkind to others

10. What is your ideal first date?

A. A coffee date because I am swamped

B. Dinner date followed by a walk

C. Volunteer work

D. A trampoline park

11. Do you like men who talk sweet to you?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Yes, but not too much because it's cringy at times

C. No, not really

D. No, you've never liked it. You prefer men who are firm and direct.

12. Do you usually get along with men?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. Most of the time

13. Can men easily make you fall in love with them?

A. Yes, why not

B. Always

C. Sometimes

D. To be honest, it depends on the men

14. Will you be able to share your space with a man?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Depends on where we are in the relationship

D. You will have to think about it first

15. What type of men have you been dating so far?

A. Independent ones

B. Romantic ones

C. Mature ones

D. Kind and affectionate ones

16. Would you be able to partner with someone to set up long-term goals?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. You are not sure

D. Yes, but only if they have similar goals

17. Would you appreciate it if someone cooked for you in the morning?

A. Yes, a lot

B. You don’t trust people’s culinary skills

C. No, because you don’t like such a gesture

D. Not really

18. Do you like receiving gifts and other’s attention?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Sometimes

C. You like gifts a lot, but people need to keep to themselves sometimes

D. You are not really a people’s person

19. Do you have patience when it comes to men?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. It depends on what they do

20. Do you like being around men 24/7?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. It depends on the man

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