Should I Date Him Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 25920 | Updated: Oct 07, 2024
Should I Date Him Quiz

Some guys enter our lives to bring out our wild, adventurous side, while others teach us unforgettable lessons. Then, there are the rare few who turn out to be the real deal—the ones we fall in love with and live happily ever after.

But how do you know which guy is worth dating?

It's not always easy to tell, but the signs are often there, hiding in plain sight. Whether you're considering a new flame or a long-time friend, take our quick and fun quiz, "Should I date him?" to uncover the clues you need for your dating journey!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you have the same goals and values?

A. Yes

B. For the most part

C. Not sure yet

D. Not really

2. Does he make you feel special and like he values you?

A. So far, yes, but it’s still new

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, always

3. Does he have good manners?

A. Sometimes

B. Always

C. He can be arrogant

D. Most of the time

4. Does he treat the people in his life well (e.g., friends, parents, siblings, etc.)?

A. Yes, he’s very caring and kind

B. I don’t know anyone in his life yet

C. He doesn’t have good relationships with his family, and his friends just party together

D. Most of the time

5. Is he driven and successful?

A. I am not sure

B. I believe so

C. I don't think so

D. Yes

6. Do you have a good time together?

A. Not really

B. So far, we've only hung out a few times

C. Yes, we mostly do

D. Yes, we always do

7. Does he have the qualities you look for in a guy?

A. Yes, he really does

B. Not really

C. Yes, most of them

D. Yes, I think so from what I know of him so far

8. Do you have any conflicting interests?

A. Yes, but we have some of the same interests as well

B. No, we actually are extremely similar

C. I don’t think so

D. Only a few, but nothing major

9. Is he an honest and genuine person?

A. It’s hard to trust him sometimes

B. Definitely

C. I think so

D. Most of the time

10. Do you think he’s perfect for you, or are there any red flags?

A. Definitely some red flags, but I think I want to date him

B. Minor red flags, nothing that would make me not want to date him

C. I haven’t noticed any red flags yet, but it’s still early

D. I honestly think he’s perfect for me

11. Does he communicate well and listen to you?

A. Yes, he's a great listener, and we communicate openly

B. Sometimes, but there's room for improvement

C. Not really; he doesn't seem interested in what I have to say

D. It's too early to tell

12. How does he handle conflicts or disagreements?

A. He's understanding, and we resolve conflicts peacefully

B. He can get defensive but tries to work it out

C. He gets angry easily and doesn't want to talk things through

D. We haven't encountered any conflicts yet

13. Does he support your goals and aspirations?

A. Yes, he encourages and supports me in my endeavors

B. He's aware of them but doesn't show much interest

C. No, he dismisses them or doesn't take them seriously

D. We haven't talked about our goals yet

14. How do you feel when you're with him?

A. I feel happy and at ease

B. I feel okay, but something feels off sometimes

C. I feel uneasy or uncomfortable

D. I'm not sure yet; need more time to gauge my feelings

15. Are you both willing to make compromises for each other?

A. Yes, we understand the importance of compromising

B. We try, but sometimes it's a struggle

C. No, he's not willing to meet me halfway

D. It's too early to know

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