Does He Want Me To Be His Girlfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 14311 | Updated: Dec 12, 2024
Does He Want Me to Be His Girlfriend Quiz

Starting a new relationship could be so exciting, but it could also be very confusing. Does he like you? Does he want you to be his girlfriend? If so, when will he ask me to be his girlfriend? So many questions can cloud your mind! 

Typically, men have a more challenging time expressing themselves and their feelings when it comes to men. On the other hand, females tend to be more impatient when it comes to becoming exclusive with a guy and agonizing over wondering what their guy is thinking or feeling. 

Take this short quiz and find out if he wants you to be his girlfriend or not!

Questions Excerpt

1. Has he ever confessed that he likes you?

A. He drops hints here and there

B. Yeah, but never been too serious about it

C. Indirectly yes!

D. Yes! All the time

2. Does he talk about other people or date options around you?

A. Frequently, he mentions other dates or people he is seeing

B. Occasionally, but it seems like he’s not that interested in anyone else

C. He doesn’t mention it much and seems focused on your connection

D. He never mentions anyone else and reassures you that you’re the only one

3. How does he handle conflict in the relationship?

A. He avoids it or brushes things off too quickly

B. He listens but doesn’t seem to care much about resolving things

C. He tries to resolve issues with a calm approach and seeks compromise

D. He takes responsibility for mistakes and tries to make things right

4. How does he act around other people when you’re together?

A. He barely acknowledges your presence

B. He’s friendly but not overly affectionate in front of others

C. He’s respectful and shows some affection but still cautious

D. He openly shows affection and introduces you as his partner

5. When you bring up the future, how does he react?

A. He changes the subject quickly and gets uncomfortable

B. He listens but doesn’t engage much in the conversation

C. He talks about what might happen, but nothing definitive

D. He talks about future plans with you included and is excited about it

6. How often does he initiate plans with you?

A. Rarely, he seems too busy

B. Occasionally, but he never makes it a priority

C. He usually suggests something laid-back like a coffee or a walk

D. He frequently makes plans and looks forward to spending time together

7. Does your opinion matter to him the most?

A. Not exactly

B. I don't think so

C. I feel that

D. I am sure about it

8. Does he reply quickly to your texts?

A. Not really

B. At times

C. Most of the time

D. Yes

9. Do you feel he likes you?

A. He likes mostly everyone

B. Me and a bunch of other people

C. Most of the time it’s evident

D. I believe so

10. Do you guys vibe when together?

A. He vibe with most of the people

B. Yes we do mostly

C. Yes but, that’s it

D. I think we totally vibe

11. Has he fully recovered from his past relationship, and does he seem to be mentally and emotionally in a good place?

A. I don’t know

B. I think he is still working through all that

C. I think he has worked through all of that and appears to be okay most of the time

D. Yes, I definitely think so

12. Does he seem protective over you and always have your back?

A. No, not at all

B. I don’t think so, but we haven’t really been in a situation where he would need to be

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, I feel safe when he is around and know he has my back

13. Does it ever seem like he is playing games or just messing with your head?

A. Yes, all of the time

B. Sometimes I do because I feel like he is always sending mixed signals, and it’s confusing

C. I am not sure, but I don’t think he is playing games 

D. No, I don’t feel that way

14. Does he seem to be interested in you and only you?

A. No, definitely not

B. I am not sure, but I really don’t think so

C. I think so

D. Yes, I always feel like all of his attention is on me wherever we are

15. Does he flirt with you and joke around with you regardless of who is around?

A. We don’t really spend much time hanging out with our friends together, so I am not sure

B. No, he acts differently when we are alone than he does when we are out

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, he does that all the time

16. When you have these discussions, does he seem to be genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you and sharing things about himself as well?

A. We really don’t have these kinds of conversations

B. No, he seems to just listen and nod

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

17. Does he try to get to know you on a deeper level?

A. No, not at all

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, I think he does

18. What does he do in his spare time?

A. Party hard!

B. Hang out with friends; he has too many friends to manage!

C. He talks to me or spends time with his family

D. Spends time with me!

19. Does he have a good relationship with the people in his family?

A. I am not sure about their relationship

B. It may be a bit strained from what I can tell, but he doesn’t talk about it much

C. They don’t appear to have any issues from conversations I’ve heard

D. I believe he has a very good relationship with his family

20. Has this guy ever had a serious, committed relationship, or does he seem to have a fear of commitment?

A. I don’t think he has ever had anything serious, and he might have issues with commitment

B. We haven’t really talked about any of that

C. I think he has had relationships in the past, but I am not sure for how long

D. He doesn’t appear to have any fears about commitment

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