Are We More Than Friends Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 11477 | Updated: Nov 21, 2024
Are We More Than Friends Quiz

Love is one of life's most surprising emotions—it can appear when you least expect it. Sometimes, it grows quietly within the bond you already share with someone close, like a friend.

The way you look at each other, the little moments that feel different, or the ache when they pull away for someone else—these can all stir questions in your heart.

Are these feelings something more than friendship?

If you have been wondering, our "Are we more than friends?" quiz might help you explore what is truly there.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when your friend spends time with someone else?

A. I feel a pang of jealousy and wish it were me.

B. I am happy they are spending time with others.

C. I miss them but remind myself they need other connections, too.

2. Do you feel a difference in your connection with this friend compared to others?

A. Absolutely—it feels unique, deeper, and more intense

B. Not really—our friendship feels similar to my other close bonds

C. Yes, but I cannot decide if it is just a strong friendship or something more

3. How do you react when someone flirts with your friend?

A. I feel jealous and wish they would stop.

B. I do not think much of it—they have the right to be admired.

C. I feel a little uncomfortable but remind myself it is harmless.

4. If your friend started avoiding you, how would you feel?

A. Heartbroken—it would feel like losing someone I love.

B. Sad, but I would respect their space and try to reconnect later.

C. Hurt and confused, wondering what went wrong between us.

5. How often do you imagine doing romantic activities with your friend?

A. Frequently—I can easily picture us as a couple.

B. Rarely—it feels strange to think about them in that way.

C. Occasionally—it crosses my mind, but I am not sure how I feel about it.

6. How do you feel when your friend shares good news with you?

A. I feel proud and want to celebrate with them in a special way.

B. I am happy for them and join in their excitement.

C. I feel happy but sometimes wish I was the first person they told.

7. How would you respond if someone asked if you were dating your friend?

A. I would smile awkwardly and wonder if they saw something I missed.

B. I would laugh and say we are just friends without hesitation.

C. I would pause and wonder why they thought that.

8. Do you ever feel nervous before spending time with your friend?

A. Yes, I always want to make the best impression.

B. No, I feel completely at ease with them.

C. Sometimes, especially if it is a more personal or meaningful setting.

9. How do you feel when your friend compliments your appearance?

A. Excited and flattered, as though they might see me differently.

B. Grateful but unaffected, like any casual remark.

C. Warm and a little nervous—it feels special.

10. When you think about your happiest memories together, what stands out?

A. The moments that felt romantic, even if unspoken.

B. Times when we laughed and enjoyed simple, carefree fun.

C. The deep conversations and the way they made me feel seen.

11. How do you feel when your friend starts dating someone new?

A. I feel jealous but try to hide it.

B. I am happy for them and support their relationship.

C. I feel a little sad but focus on maintaining our friendship.

12. If your friend confessed romantic feelings for you, how would you react?

A. Overjoyed—I have been waiting for this moment!

B. Surprised but unsure of how I would respond.

C. Curious and open to exploring the possibility.

13. When others ask about your friendship, how do you describe it?

A. I struggle to explain without sounding overly emotional.

B. I call them my best friend without hesitation.

C. I describe them as my closest friend but feel unsure if that covers everything.

14. How would you feel if your friend moved far away?

A. Devastated—it would feel like losing a part of me.

B. Sad, but I would keep in touch and adapt.

C. Very upset, but I would try to support their decision.

15. How do you act when your friend compliments you?

A. I overanalyze their words, wondering if they mean more.

B. I take it as a kind gesture and move on.

C. It makes me feel special and slightly hopeful.

16. How do you feel about physical contact with your friend?

A. I look for excuses to touch them, like hugs or playful nudges.

B. It feels normal, like any other close friendship.

C. Sometimes, it feels more meaningful than it should.

17. Have you ever imagined a romantic future with your friend?

A. Yes, all the time—it feels natural.

B. Rarely, it feels odd to think of them that way.

C. Occasionally, but I am unsure if it is realistic.

18. How do you react when they share personal struggles with you?

A. I feel protective and want to solve their problems for them.

B. I listen and offer support as any good friend would.

C. I care deeply but also feel a twinge of helplessness.

19. When you spend time together, how do you feel?

A. Nervous and excited, like I am trying to impress them.

B. Relaxed and comfortable, like being with family.

C. Happy and content, but sometimes I wish for more.

20. How often do you think about your friend when you are not together?

A. Constantly, they are always on my mind.

B. Occasionally, when something reminds me of them.

C. Often, but I do not dwell on it.

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