Will You Be Single Forever Quiz

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 43882 | Updated: Mar 20, 2025
Will You Be Single Forever Quiz

Being single has its perks—freedom, independence, and no obligations. But is the single life truly for you, or will you find yourself in a committed relationship down the line? Do you crave companionship, or do you prefer your personal space?

Take this "Will You Be Single Forever?" quiz to find out if you're destined for love or a lifetime of solo adventures!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel content with your current lifestyle and independence?

A. Yes, I enjoy my freedom and don't feel the need for a relationship

B. Sometimes, but I also miss having someone special

C. Never, I long for a committed relationship

D. I'm not sure, I have mixed feelings

2. What’s your main reason for staying single right now?

A. I’m enjoying my freedom too much

B. I have personal goals I want to achieve first

C. I’ve been hurt before and need time to heal

D. I just haven’t found the right person yet

3. How often do you think about your future with a partner?

A. Rarely, I’m focused on living in the moment

B. Occasionally, but I’m in no rush

C. A lot, I really want companionship

D. I used to, but now I’m unsure

4. Do you feel lonely when you see couples around you?

A. Sometimes, but I enjoy my own company

B. Yes, I wish I had someone by my side

C. Not really, I’m focused on other things in life

D. It depends on my mood

5. How do you feel about long-term relationships?

A. I like the idea, but I’m not ready yet

B. I want one but need time to heal first

C. I’d rather keep things casual and fun

D. I’m ready and looking for something serious

6. Do you enjoy having full control over your time and decisions?

A. Yes, I love making decisions without considering anyone else

B. Sometimes, but I wouldn’t mind sharing my life with someone

C. Not really, I want a partner to share responsibilities with

D. I don’t think about it much, I just go with the flow

7. Are you currently focusing on personal growth and self-improvement?

A. Yes, I'm investing time in myself and my goals

B. Sometimes, but I also enjoy taking things as they come

C. Not really, I'm more focused on other aspects of my life

D. No, I'm waiting for the right person to inspire my growth

8. Do you enjoy the excitement of meeting new people and going on dates?

A. Yes, I love meeting new people and experiencing new connections

B. Sometimes, but I also value my alone time

C. Not really, I prefer stable and long-term connections

D. No, I find dating exhausting

9. Are you hesitant to commit due to fear of getting hurt again?

A. Yes, I'm afraid of opening up to someone new

B. Not really, I'm open to taking risks in relationships

C. No, I'm confident in my ability to handle potential heartbreak

D. I'm not sure, I have mixed feelings about it

10. Are you actively seeking a romantic partner?

A. Yes, I'm actively dating and looking for the right person

B. Not really, I'm open to it but not actively searching

C. No, I'm happy being single and not looking for anyone

D. I haven't decided yet

11. Do you think you party too much?

A. Yes

B. A little bit

C. Not enough

D. I do, whenever I can

12. Are you bored with yourself?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Never

D. I prefer being by myself, most of the time

13. Have you been unhappy in a relationship before?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but it doesn't matter

C. I never had a serious relationship

D. No, I wish to experience the feelings of being in a relationship

14. Are you single because you want to live your life first?

A. Yes, I have other interesting things to try first

B. Yes, there’s too much fun in life

C. No,  I’ve just been heartbroken

D. No, I'm ready for a relationship

15. Are you single because you find it tough to choose one person as your partner?

A. Yes, there are so many good options

B. A little bit

C. No

D. I have had one such incident in the past

16. Do you find it difficult to keep your promises?

A. Yes!

B. No, but I don’t like getting into such mess

C. No, I'm looking forward to keeping all my promises

D. No, I have always tried hard

17. Are you single because you often act selfish?

A. Perhaps, yes

B. No, just realistic

C. No, I care for people

D. Not at all

18. Are you too heartbroken to be in a serious relationship?

A. Yes

B. No, I just want to live freely

C. No, I'm happy with my friends

D. No, but I really need one right now though

19. Are you a single parent?

A. Yes

B. No

C. No, I don’t want kids

D. No, but I would like to have kids someday!

20. Have you had a bad relationship in the recent past?

A. Yes

B. No, I have always been single

C. No, because I’ve never had any serious relationship

D. Not really

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