Is My Dad Cheating On My Mom Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1243 | Updated: Jun 30, 2022
 Is My Dad Cheating On My Mom Quiz?

You are at a tender age where your parents don’t want to startle you with information about their personal matters. The best option for you is to shift your focus from your parents to something you like and leave the rest to your parents.

But if infidelity between your parents is stuck in your head, then this Is My Dad Cheating on My Mom quiz will help you.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you notice any tension between your parents?

A. No, not really

B. No, but I think they are hiding their feelings

C. Yes, I have noticed the tension between them

2. Does your dad seem aloof these days?

A. Yes, he does

B. No, not really

C. Kind of

3. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

A. Yes, I do

B. Fairly healthy

C. Moderately healthy

4. Does he spend time with his family as much as he used to?

A. He still spends time with us

B. Not really

C. He out a lot

5. Does your mom seem worried lately in regards to your dad?

A. Yes, I think so

B. I don’t think so

C. I can’t say

6. Are your parents fighting a lot off late?

A. Yes, they are

B. Not more than usual

C. Maybe

7. Is your father spending more time on his phone than usual?

A. Yes, he is

B. Not more than usual

C. I am not sure

8. Do you think your dad is ignoring your mom?

A. Yes, I think so

B. Not really

C. I can't say

9. Has your mother spoken about any distress she is going through lately?

A. No, but she seems sad

B. She just said that she feels tired

C. She doesn’t talk about her feelings

10. Is your mom a good secret keeper?

A. Yes, she is

B. No, she is not

C. I can’t say

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