Will Your Marriage Be Affected By Infidelity Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
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Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1173 | Updated: Dec 05, 2024
Will Your Marriage Be Affected by Infidelity Quiz

"Infidelity can be devastating to a marriage and is often a cause for breakups. Whether a marriage can survive infidelity depends on many factors. Preventing infidelity, however, may go beyond just meeting emotional or personal needs."

Regardless, this “Will your marriage be affected by infidelity “ quiz is aimed at helping you find out if your infidelity may be a problem in your relationship, now or in the future.

Questions Excerpt

1. At what point of time did you two decide to tie the knot?

A. We decided two months after meeting each other

B. Less than 3 years after meeting

C. 3 years after meeting or more

2. Have either you or your partner cheated before?

A. Never

B. Just once

C. More than once

3. How often does your partner’s behavior alter?

A. My partner has constant unexplained mood swings

B. My partner experiences mood swings once in a while

C. My partner’s behavior is pretty stable

4. Do you two converse extensively at home after a long day’s work?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Everyday

5. Do you two share hobbies, interests and passions?

A. No, not at all

B. Not really, but we try to show interest in each other’s

C. We share many of the same hobbies, interests and passions

6. How long have you two been married?

A. We’ve been married for more than 20 years

B. We’ve been married between 7 - 20 years

C. We’ve been married for less than 7 years

7. How often does your partner criticize you?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Never

8. Are you insecure about your partner’s behavior?

A. Yes I am because I have trust issues

B. Occasionally I tend to be insecure

C. Not at all as I trust my partner

9. How satisfied are you with your sexual relationship?

A. Not at all

B. Somewhat

C. Very satisfied

10. How often do you and your partner praise each other?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

11. Do you and your partner make sure you connect deeply at least once a day?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

12. Do you analyze your partner’s phone and bank account statements?

A. Yes, because I can't trust him/her

B. I've done it a couple of times

C. I have no reason to check their phone or bank account statements

13. Do you holiday together when you are able?

A. Very rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

14. Do you both prefer the company of other people more than your partner?

A. Yes, most of the time

B. Sometimes

C. No, not really

15. Do you think someone else would be a better fit for you?

A. Yes, I do

B. Sometimes

C. No, not at all

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