Is He Cheating Or Am I Paranoid Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
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Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 25073 | Updated: Oct 07, 2024
Is He Cheating or Am I Paranoid Quiz

Getting cheated on is a big fear in a relationship, understandably so. Sometimes, however, it can be hard to figure out if your fears are founded or if you just see things that aren't there. 

A good relationship requires trust, but what if there is a good reason you can't trust him?
So, how can you tell if he is cheating?

Take this short "Is he cheating or Am I Paranoid?" quiz to determine whether your suspicions are founded.

Remember, though, that no matter what, you should always be as direct as possible and discuss any concerns with your partner to maintain a healthy relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you had these doubts in the past?

A. Yes, and I uncovered certain unpleasant truths

B. Never

C. Yes, but I was so wrong each time

D. Once I found out that the relationships I worried about were mere friendships.

2. Has he been staying late at work or going on more trips?

A. Yes, he suddenly has a lot of late nights

B. No, he's always home on time

C. Yes, but he's always been career-driven, so it's nothing new

D. Occasionally, but it's only recently

3. Is he more irritable or easily frustrated with you?

A. Yes, he snaps at me often now.

B. No, he's just like he always is.

C. Yes, but I've been on edge, too, so it might just be mutual

D. Sometimes, but it feels like something deeper is bothering him

4. Does he avoid making future plans with you?

A. Yes, he seems to dodge any long-term commitments.

B. No, he's still very excited about our future together.

C. Sometimes, but it could be his work or stress

D. Yes, but he says it's because he's unsure about his own schedule

5. Has he become more secretive with his phone?

A. Yes, he always takes it with him now, even to the bathroom

B. No, he's very open with it

C. Sometimes, but I feel like I'm overthinking

D. Yes, but it's a new phone, so maybe he's just adjusting

6. Has he been spending more time on social media?

A. Yes, and he quickly closes the app when I walk by

B. No, it's about the same

C. Yes, but he claims it's for work or something innocent

D. Yes, but it's only very recent

7. Has your sex life together changed over the past two weeks?

A. We are having a lot less sex

B. Yes, it has decreased, but mostly because of our hectic schedules

C. Not at all

D. I think it has decreased a bit

8. Does he show affection in the day-to-day life?

A. It has decreased significantly

B. Yes

C. Yes, even more than before

D. A little less

9. Is he ‘present’ when he is with you?

A. No

B. Yes

C. He is, but I always feel like he isn't

D. Sometimes, he is not

10. Have you both been spending more or less time together recently?

A. A lot less

B. The usual

C. More

D. Less time

11. Does he go out without telling you where he is?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, not at all

C. Well, occasionally, I don't know where he is. But usually, he tells me if I ask.

D. Sometimes, but only very very recently.

12. Has he been changing how he dresses?

A. Yes, he’s putting way more effort into his appearance

B. Not that I have noticed, maybe a bit less effort

C. Not really, but there are some instances

D. Not that I've noticed, and I've been searching his clothes for lipstick stains

13. Do you feel a wide gulf between you?

A. Yes

B. No, we feel pretty close actually

C. Something is off, but it’s not that bad

D. If by wide gulf you mean I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him, yes

14. Is his best friend acting weird around you lately?

A. Yeah, he seems totally weird; something is off

B. No, same old

C. Yes, he's acting super guilty and weirdly nice, but he also just barely says anything

D. No, but he’s always pretty suspicious

15. Has his schedule changed?

A. No, same old, same old

B. Yes, but he told me that he has this new obligation

C. Yes, without warning, and it's a bit irregular

D. Sorta, he has had a couple of changes, but nothing major

16. Have you been fighting more?

A. Yes, we fight so much now

B. Yes, but I start most of them

C. No, about the same as normal

D. No, it seems like he’s being slightly nicer even

17. Does he dodge questions when you ask him about it?

A. I haven’t asked him about it

B. Yes, and then he gets this shifty grin

C. No, he answers me very quickly and directly, but I think he is getting annoyed with the questions

D. Yeah, he never seems to have satisfying answers. He gets so nervous

18. Is he talking in a hushed voice on the phone?

A. Yes, all the time, and he seems excited

B. No

C. Yes, and he tries to hide his phone or get off the call quickly

D. Sometimes. Well, once I came in, and he got off the phone as soon as I walked in

19. Has he been pulling away from you?

A. Yes, we barely talk anymore

B. Not really

C. Hard to say. I think maybe!

D. Sometimes I think so, but it goes back and forth

20. Is he receiving text messages from mysterious numbers?

A. Yes, one very consistently

B. How would I know if I hadn't looked at his phone?

C. Yes, but I think I recognize the number

D. I keep checking, but they must be hidden very well.

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