Is My Husband Cheating On Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2127 | Updated: Jun 20, 2023
 Is My Husband Cheating on Me Quiz?

Are you feeling suspicious about your husband's behavior lately? Do you find yourself questioning his loyalty and commitment to your relationship? Take our "Is My Husband Cheating on Me Quiz" to find out if your doubts are valid or if you're just overthinking things. 

This quiz will ask you a series of questions about your husband's behavior and your relationship with him. 

From his level of intimacy with you to his phone usage, we'll cover all the signs that could indicate infidelity. Don't let your doubts consume you, take the quiz now and get the answers you need to put your mind at ease.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has your husband been checking his phone more frequently than usual?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

2. Has he suddenly started showering you with lots of gifts?

A. Yes, lots of them!

B. Yes, a few

C. No, no more than usual

3. Does he talk about other women frequently?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

4. Is he intimate with you?

A. No, not as much as usual

B. Yes, but not a lot

C. Yes, he’s very intimate with me

5. Does he answer your questions with one-word answers?

A. Yes, most of the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

6. Does he pick fights with you for no reason?

A. Yes, very frequently

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

7. Is he acting insecure?

A. Yes, way more than usual

B. Yes, a little bit

C. No, not really

8. Has he been avoiding talking to you?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Yes, a little

C. No

9. Is he making excuses not to meet you?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

10. Is he defensive?

A. Yes, very defensive

B. Not sure

C. No, he doesn’t get defensive

11. How often do you and your partner go on dates?

A. We go on dates frequently

B. We go on dates occasionally

C. We rarely go on dates

12. How often do you and your partner have disagreements?

A. We have disagreements often

B. We have disagreements occasionally

C. We rarely have disagreements

13. How often do you and your partner have deep conversations?

A. We have deep conversations often

B. We have deep conversations occasionally

C. We rarely have deep conversations

14. How often do you and your partner express affection towards each other?

A. We express affection towards each other often

B. We express affection towards each other occasionally

C. We rarely express affection towards each other

15. How often do you and your partner try new things together?

A. We try new things together often

B. We try new things together occasionally

C. We rarely try new things together

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