Is He Playing Me Or Playing Hard To Get Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1416 | Updated: Sep 03, 2023
 Is He Playing Me or Playing Hard to Get Quiz?

When you have a crush, usually you hope the person feels the same way you do. In the early stages, it could be very confusing, and sometimes you may wonder if he is just playing you or trying to play hard to get.

So how are you ever supposed to know whether you should get your hopes up on having a relationship with this guy before considering making the first move? There are some signs that can give you a hint about his true intentions. Take this quiz right now to find out which one is true.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel like he hides things from you or like you never know what he is doing or who he is with?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. No

2. Do you feel there is a mutual give and take between the two of you?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

3. Is there any other reason he might be spending time with you that you can think of, other than because he enjoys it and he likes you?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. I don’t think so/I don’t know

D. No

4. Is he consistent and reliable when you make plans?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

5. Do you feel like he makes you a priority?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

6. Do you ever spend time with his friends and family?

A. No, I have never met them

B. I have only met his friends when we met each other out, he never actually brought me out with his friends

C. I hung out with his friends a few times, but never his family

D. Sometimes

7. Does he make you feel special?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

8. Do you trust him?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

9. Do his actions match his words?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

10. Does he act like you are together when you are out in public?

A. No

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

11. How does he respond when you suggest meeting up spontaneously?

A. He enthusiastically agrees and makes plans immediately

B. He seems hesitant but eventually agrees to meet

C. He seems hesitant but eventually agrees to meet

D. He avoids giving a direct answer

12. What does his communication pattern look like?

A. He constantly texts/calls and initiates conversations

B. He responds promptly but doesn't initiate much

C. He takes a long time to reply, leaving you waiting

D. He only contacts you when it's convenient for him

13. When you're together, how does he behave towards you in public?

A. He shows affection and introduces you to his friends

B. He acts friendly but keeps some distance in public

C. He avoids public displays of affection and keeps interactions casual

D. He seems disinterested in being seen with you

14. How does he react when you talk about your feelings or relationship expectations?

A. He engages in open and honest conversations about it

B. He listens but doesn't share much about his own feelings

C. He avoids discussing the topic or changes the subject

D. He becomes defensive or dismissive of your feelings

15. Has he introduced you to his family or close friends?

A. Yes, he has introduced me to his family and friends

B. No, but he has mentioned the idea of introducing us soon

C. No, he hasn't mentioned anything about meeting his family or friends

D. He has made it clear that he prefers to keep his personal life private

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