Am I Attracted To Men Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 4333 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 Am I Attracted to Men Quiz?
How do you feel about men? Am I attracted to men is an enjoyable yet super-serious quiz about this hugely important topic. rn''Am I attracted to men'' will give you the answer you want.  Who doesn't want to know themselves better? What makes you tick, why do you feel the way you do, and what's stopping you from getting further in life? rnTake our self-test on the 'Am I attractive to men' quiz and find out what kind of person you are. You might find out a few surprises about the real you! Let's dive in!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you have a sexual desire?

A. Yes, a lot!

B. It depends on my mood

C. Once in a blue moon

2. I can't decide which gender appeals to me more… Thoughts?

A. Strong agree

B. Disagree

C. Neither

3. What physical features of people do you like the most?

A. It depends what strikes you the most

B. Their good smiling and fit bodies are what strike you most

C. Their perfumes and hands are what strike you most

4. What does sexuality mean to you?

A. Sexuality is important to us because it represents an activity that is a rite of passage into adulthood

B. It is very pleasurable, and because it reinforces our roles and aspirations as males and females

C. Yet sexuality is truly a passive part of our daily lives

5. Which is the worst thing?

A. Not respecting your difference

B. Expecting you to be like them

C. Giving you the worst advice ever

6. What are the best moral qualities that you think of male?

A. They are hard workers!

B. They are passionate

C. They are very loyal

7. Which color represents love for you?

A. Black 

B. Purple

C. White

8. Secondly, which animal represents love for you?

A. Horse

B. Tiger

C. Dog

9. Do you get nervous whenever this topic comes up?

A. No, Why?

B. Yes

C. It just annoy me

10. Why are you taking this test?

A. Just curiosity

B. I feel like I'm attracted to everyone, even people who are transgender etc

C. I like men and want to see if your test is accurate

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