Does He Like Me Or Am I Just A Booty-call Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1830 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Does he like me or am i just a booty-call quiz
Sometimes, it might be hard to tell if a guy likes you or he just wants to get down with you. There are some guys who are so smart at concealing their true feelings which leaves the other party confused. When you think you are involved in a romantic fling with a guy, it is important to be certain if he wants to take the relationship to the next level or keep having sex with you. In this quiz, you will be able to find out “Does he like me or I’m just a booty call?”

Questions Excerpt

1. Does he ignore you at times?

A. Sometimes. 

B. All the time.

C. Not at all.

2. Has he introduced you to his friends and family?

A. I’ve met them several times.

B. I’ve never met any of them.

C. I think I only know a few.

3. Does he show you off in public?

A. Not at all. 

B. All the time.

C.  Sometimes.

4. Is he always there for you?

A. Never.

B. Yes.

C. Rarely.

5. Does he pay detailed attention to your personal information?

A. I doubt if he knows anything about me.

B. He knows so much about me.

C. Sometimes.

6. Does he always keep in touch with you?

A. All the time.

B. Not at all.

C. Sometimes.

7. Does he always leave immediately after sex?

A. Every time!

B. Not at all.

C. Sometimes, I don’t even understand what exactly he wants.

8. Do you think he’s faithful?

A. I know for sure that he’s not faithful.

B. I trust him.

C. I don’t think he’s faithful.

9. Does he celebrate special events with you?

A. We have never celebrated any special event together.

B. All the time.

C. Sometimes.

10. Have you seen him flirt with other women?

A. I suspect he’s having an affair with other women.

B. I’m not so certain; I’m confused.

C. Never.

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