Are You Dating A Loser Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 315 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Are You Dating a Loser Quiz
We can often make choices that land us in trouble. There are no good or bad choices. But if you have chosen to be someone, and it affects your mental sanctity, then it’s time to rethink.       rnA loser is someone who puts you down, can not stand your success, isolates you, and plays the power game with you. And if they happen to hit you, they are worse than just being a loser. If you think they are making you go crazy, then you must trust your gut and get help or get out. This quiz will help you know if the one you are with is a total loser or not.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have they ever hit you?

A. No, but we have intense fights

B. Yes, many times

C. Yes, but just once

2. How do they react to success in your career?

A. They usually tell me that I have miles to go

B. Their mood changes, and I can feel their jealousy

C. They always ask me to quit

3. How do you feel when you have sex with them?

A. They like playing the role of a dominator

B. It is just too intense

C. He bites me really hard

4. Do they expect you to obey them?

A. Yes, they do

B. They don’t want me to disrupt their system

C. I am not sure because I have never disobeyed them

5. Do they stop you from meeting your friends and family?

A. Yes, they want me around every time

B. No, not really, but they keep calling if I am late

C. Sometimes, if they are in a bad mood

6. Do you have a support system outside of your relationship?

A. Yes, I have a powerful support system

B. Yes, but they are my main support

C. No, I do not

7. Do they know the passwords of your social media accounts?

A. Yes, they have a diary

B. No, we don’t share passwords

C. They don’t, but they keep an eye on my chats

8. Do they help you with the household chores?

A. Yes, we have our duties divided

B. They help when they are in the mood

C. No, they don’t

9. What are their constant complaints against you?

A. They don’t complain much

B. That I disrespect them

C. That I should be focused more on them than my friends

10. What annoys you the most about them

A. Their extreme expression of anger

B. They always stick to the rules

C. Their sheer lack of empathy toward me

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