Am I Expecting Too Much From My Husband Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 145 | Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Am I Expecting Too Much From My Husband Quiz

Try the “Am I expecting too much from my husband” quiz. It's natural to have expectations in a marriage, but when those expectations become unrealistic or excessive, they can strain the relationship. 

If you're wondering whether your expectations for your husband may be too high, our quiz, 'Am I Expecting Too Much From My Husband,' can assist you in evaluating your relationship dynamics and finding a more balanced and harmonious approach to your partnership.

Questions Excerpt

1. In your relationship, do you feel that you are always right and your husband should agree to your way of thinking?

A. No, I respect his opinions and perspective

B. Occasionally, I have such thoughts

C. Yes, I often feel this way

2. Do you expect your husband to fulfill all your emotional needs and provide constant emotional support?

A. No, I understand the importance of self-reliance and support from other sources

B. Sometimes, I expect a lot emotionally

C. Yes, I have high expectations in this regard

3. Are you often disappointed if your husband forgets special dates like anniversaries or birthdays?

A. No, I believe it's the thought that counts, and mistakes can happen

B. Occasionally, it bothers me

C. Yes, I feel hurt when he forgets important dates

4. Do you expect your husband to handle all household chores and responsibilities without any input from you?

A. No, I believe in sharing responsibilities

B. Sometimes, I may expect too much

C. Yes, I prefer him to handle everything

5. Are you upset if your husband has personal interests or hobbies that do not involve you?

A. No, I value his personal time and interests

B. Occasionally, I may feel left out

C. Yes, I want to be part of every aspect of his life

6. Do you feel that your husband should always know what you need without you having to communicate your desires?

A. No, I believe in open and clear communication

B. Sometimes, I wish he could, but I know it's not always possible

C. Yes, I expect him to intuitively understand my needs

7. Are you frequently critical of your husband, pointing out his flaws and shortcomings?

A. No, I focus on his strengths and support his growth

B. Occasionally, I may criticize him

C. Yes, I tend to be critical

8. Do you expect your husband to spend every available moment with you, neglecting his own personal time?

A. No, I appreciate when we have our individual space

B. Sometimes, I enjoy spending a lot of time together

C. Yes, I want him by my side all the time

9. Are you disappointed if your husband doesn't express his love or affection exactly the way you prefer?

A. No, I appreciate his affection in any form

B. Occasionally, I may want more personalized gestures

C. Yes, I have specific expectations for how he should express affection

10. Do you find yourself often comparing your husband to other people's partners, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction?

A. No, I accept him as he is and focus on our relationship

B. Occasionally, I make comparisons, but I try to curb it

C. Yes, I compare him to others and feel dissatisfied

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