How Good Is Your Marriage Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 357 | Updated: Nov 20, 2022
 How Good Is Your Marriage Quiz?
Not many people have a good relationship with their spouses, considering that so many marriages end in divorce. Having a good marriage is a huge challenge. You have to cope with the routine, actively work to attract your partner even after years of marriage, get over ugly conflicts, and withstand the difficult times when you have small children and you can’t take care of your personal needs anymore. However you’d put it, it’s tough. This quiz will tell you how your marriage is and possibly provide you with some ideas on how to improve it.

Questions Excerpt

1. Can you accept each other’s faults?

A. Absolutely no problem

B. Most times yes

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

2. Who is first in your life?

A. My partner

B. My children

C. My friends

D. Myself

3. How good is your communication?

A. Very good

B. Satisfactory

C. Not too good

D. Actually bad

4. How much time does it take you to forgive your spouse?

A. A few seconds

B. A couple of hours

C. A day

D. Several days

5. How often do you do small services for your spouse?

A. Every day and I enjoy doing it

B. Every once in a while

C. Rarely

D. Never

6. Can you talk about anything with your spouse?

A. Sure

B. Mostly yes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

7. How is the decision-making process in your relationship?

A. A joint process

B. A bit difficult but we do it together

C. A challenge

D. A huge pain

8. Your partner decides to take a weekend off without you. What do you think?

A. Excellent - he or she will be in a good mood after taking a break

B. I will miss him or her, but it's OK

C. Why is he or she doing this?

D. I don't like this

9. How often do you have sex?

A. Almost every day

B. Several times a week

C. Once a week

D. A couple of times a month

10. Your partner has done something which has bothered you. With whom do you talk about it first?

A. My partner

B. My best friend

C. A co-worker

D. Anyone who steps into my way

11. How is the financial communication between your partner and you?

A. Excellent

B. Good

C. There are occasional fights

D. We never settle on one thing

12. How is the sex life?

A. Excellent

B. Good

C. Below average

D. There’s total lack of intimacy

13. On the scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, what is the trust level between you and your spouse?

A. 8-10

B. 5-7

C. 3-4

D. 1-2

14. Is the effort between you both equal or one person ends up investing more in the relationship?

A. It’s equal

B. It’s mostly equal

C. I invest more

D. We both are not involved as much

15. Do you keep secrets from your spouse?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Mostly

D. We hardly discuss things

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