Fun Marriage Quiz For Couples Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 745 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Fun Marriage Quiz for Couples
Getting married, although it is not always a necessity nowadays, is still one of the best ways to show your love interest that you are very serious about them (especially for men). There’s nothing more special than sharing the same last name, sharing the same assets, and of course, having children together. So, are you ready for this fun marriage quiz? Have fun completing our small test now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you share hobbies with your husband?

A. Yes

B. A few hobbies not all

C. Sometimes, but only to please one another

D. No!

2. Who makes most of the decisions in your couple?

A. The wife

B. The husband

C. You both do

D. It doesn’t really matter

3. Do you share responsibilities equally in your couple?

A. Yes, 50/50

B. The man holds most of the responsibilities

C. The woman holds most of the responsibilities

D. It doesn’t really matter

4. Have you known your husband for a long time?

A. Yes, since junior high

B. Not really

C. You’ve known him since you’ve started making money

D. You can’t remember

5. Is your husband respectful towards you?

A. You

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes but it’s rare

D. You are both the same, where sometimes you can be rude towards one another

6. Do you fight too much?

A. Yes, it’s possible

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, but they are not major fights

D. No!

7. What do you fight most about?

A. Money

B. Stupid things like leftover food. Nothing serious though

C. Everything

D. Infidelity

8. Do you share assets with your husband?

A. Yes

B. No

C. No, because you have none

D. No, because you don’t really have much to say about finances

9. Do you trust one another?

A. Yes

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

10. Who does the cooking in your marriage?

A. The wife

B. The husband

C. Both of you

D. You order out

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