Do You Suffer From Emotional Numbness Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 3455 | Updated: Jul 30, 2024
Do You Suffer From Emotional Numbness Quiz

Experiencing joy and pain is a part of life that many people can relate to. While feeling pain can be unpleasant, have you ever considered what it feels like to feel nothing at all?

Various factors can cause people to become emotionally numb and detached. Are you experiencing emotional numbness? Take this quiz to gain some clarity. If you strongly feel about the situation or facing serious issues, seeing a professional and seeking proper guidance is advisable.

Questions Excerpt

1. How good are you at talking about your feelings?

A. I like to talk about how I feel because it makes me feel better

B. Sometimes. I talk about how I feel when it gets overwhelming; otherwise, I just keep it to myself

C. I just bottle up my emotions and deal with them on my own

2. Have you ever cried while watching a sad movie?

A. Yes, every time I watch a relatable sad movie, I cry

B. I hardly cry when watching movies

C. I don’t because I know it's scripted

3. Do you have difficulty expressing joy and happiness?

A. Yes. I feel so happy when good things happen

B. I don't often feel that happy about things, but some things still make me feel that way

C. Nothing makes me happy

4. Have you ever been in love?

A. Yes, love is a beautiful thing

B. I’m still waiting to fall in love

C. I do not believe in love

5. Do you make friends easily?

A. Yes, I make friends everywhere I go

B. It takes a lot of effort, but I try to be nice

C. I mostly keep to myself and avoid conversation

6. Do you still enjoy the fun activities you used to enjoy?

A. I always try to do the things I love

B. Sometimes, I try to do the things I used to enjoy

C. I’d rather be by myself than to do so called fun stuff

7. Would you consider yourself to be blunt?

A.  No, I think about how other people will feel when I talk

B. Sometimes, when it's serious, it’s essential to be blunt

C. I say it as it is without sugarcoating

8.  Your partner breaks up with you out of the blue. What’s your reaction?

A. Cry and bawl my eyes out for weeks

B. Ask for an explanation

C. Move on; it's not a big deal

9. How do you handle criticism?

A. I feel sad and defeated

B. I try to learn from my mistakes

C. I don’t care about what others have to say

10. Do you feel detached or isolated from the people around you?

A. I’m always present at the moment and enjoy my experiences with others

B. Sometimes, but I try to put in more effort to be involved

C. I find that I respond and react to situations differently, which makes me isolated from others

11. Do you often reflect on your past experiences and how they made you feel?

A. Yes, I often think about my past and the emotions I felt

B. Sometimes, but I try not to dwell on the past too much

C. No, I try to avoid thinking about past experiences and feelings

12. How do you react when someone gives you a compliment?

A. I feel really happy and grateful

B. I appreciate it, but don’t let it affect me too much

C. I feel indifferent and it doesn’t affect me

13. Do you find it easy to empathize with others?

A. Yes, I can easily understand and share others' feelings

B. Sometimes, but I try to stay rational and not get too involved

C. No, I find it hard to connect with others' emotions

14. How do you feel about celebrating special occasions like birthdays or holidays?

A. I get very excited and enjoy celebrating with others

B. I participate, but don’t feel overly excited

C. I don’t really care much for celebrations

15. When you experience stress, how do you usually cope?

A. I talk to someone about my feelings to feel better

B. I try to stay calm and find a logical solution

C. I shut down and avoid dealing with my emotions

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