Do I Bottle Up My Emotions Quiz

Jonathon Carrington
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Jonathon Carrington, LPCC
Jonathon Carrington
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
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Jonathon Carrington is a dedicated Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor based in Maryland, specializing in supporting men and their partners navigating abusive relationships.... Read More

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 510 | Updated: Aug 29, 2024
Do I Bottle Up My Emotions Quiz

Understanding how we handle emotions is crucial for our mental and emotional health.

Whether you express your feelings openly or tend to keep them inside, this "Do I bottle up my emotions" quiz will help you identify your patterns of emotional expression.

Remember, this is a step towards better emotional awareness and self-care.

Questions Excerpt

1. If someone asks how you’re feeling, how would you answer?

A. I share my emotions in detail.

B. I briefly mention how I feel.

C. I usually say, 'I'm great,' regardless of my actual feelings.

2. You notice your friend is upset about something and snaps at you for no reason. What would you do?

A. I will express how their behavior affected me.

B. I try to understand what's bothering them and help.

C. I keep quiet and give them space.

3. How often do you cry?

A. Frequently, when I'm upset.

B. Only when something deeply upsetting happens.

C. Rarely, I prefer to keep my emotions contained.

4. How do you feel after watching a sad movie?

A. I often cry and feel deeply moved

B. I feel sad but it doesn’t affect me for long.

C. I rarely feel emotional during movies.

5. You are in the same room with your parents, and they start to fight, what do you do?

A. I get upset and may intervene.

B. I try to mediate and calm things down.

C. I ignore the situation and distract myself.

6. What do you do when someone hurts you badly?

A. Confront the person about it

B. Feel sad and wish it never happened

C. Cut the person off and move on

7. How do you react to trivial annoyances?

A. I typically shrug them off.

B. Sometimes, small things can trigger a bigger reaction.

C. Minor issues often make me very upset.

8. When you are unhappy, do your friends notice it easily?

A. Yes, I wear my emotions on my sleeve.

B. They do, but I act like everything is fine.

C. No, I try to look cheerful when I’m with others

9. How do you feel when you are around people who express a lot of emotion?

A. I feel the same emotion they feel

B. I’m not bothered about other people

C. It makes me uncomfortable

10. The waiter brings you the wrong order at a restaurant. How do you react?

A.  Complain to the manager and ask for what you ordered

B. Mention it to the waiter but eat it anyway

C. Don’t mention it at all

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