Do I Have Gender Dysphoria Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 44 | Updated: Dec 27, 2023
Do I Have Gender Dysphoria Quiz

Gender identity is a complex element of our existence, and this ‘Do I have gender dysphoria’ quiz endeavors to create a contemplative environment for comprehending your personal journey. It is a considered examination intended to assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of your emotions and encounters. With utmost respect for the uniqueness of your experiences, let us embark on this exploration together, providing valuable insights and unwavering support throughout your quest for self-realization.

Questions Excerpt

1. Let’s start with this one; in social situations, how do you feel about being perceived according to your current gender?

A. I’m super comfortable and don't feel the need for any change

B. Have some moments where I wish I could express myself differently

C. I often feel a disconnect between how I'm perceived and who I truly am

2. Have you ever sought out information or engaged in discussions about gender diversity?

A. Not really, I haven't felt the need to explore gender diversity

B. Occasionally, I've read or talked about gender diversity

C. Yes, I actively seek out information and engage in discussions about gender diversity

3. Growing up, did you ever express to your family and friends that you identified with a gender different from the one assigned at birth?

A. No, I always identified with the gender assigned at birth

B. I may have hinted at it, but it wasn't a significant expression

C. Yes, I explicitly insisted that I identified with a different gender

4. Have you ever wished to alter your physical appearance to align more with a gender different from the one assigned at birth?

A. No, I'm content with my current physical appearance

B. I've had fleeting thoughts, but it's not a strong desire

C. Yes, I've wished to change my body to better reflect a different gender

5. How do you feel about trying out different styles of clothing associated with genders other than your own?

A. I stick to clothing associated with my assigned gender

B. I'm open to experimenting with different styles

C. I frequently explore and enjoy clothing across the gender spectrum

6. Have you ever experienced a desire to change your name or the way people address you based on your gender?

A. No, I'm content with my current name and pronouns

B. I've considered it, but haven't made any changes

C. Yes, I've actively thought about changing my name or pronouns

7. How do you feel about looking at pictures of yourself, especially those that highlight characteristics of your assigned sex at birth?

A. I'm fine with it, I don't actively avoid such pictures

B. Occasionally, I might steer away, but it's not a big deal

C. Yeah, I tend to avoid pictures that emphasize characteristics of my assigned sex at birth

8. How do you relate to gender roles in relationships or friendships?

A. I'm comfortable with traditional gender roles

B. Well, I prefer a more flexible and equal approach to roles

C. I feel constrained by traditional gender roles

9. How do you feel about engaging in conversations on the phone or in groups, particularly when your voice aligns with your sex assigned at birth?

A. I feel completely comfortable and have no reservations

B. I might have moments of discomfort, but it's not a significant issue

C. Yes, I actively avoid talking on the phone or in groups because my voice matches my sex assigned at birth

10. How do you feel about changes in your weight? Is it a positive thing for you if it means less emphasis on your secondary sex characteristics?

A. Changes in weight don't bother me much

B. I might have mixed feelings, but it's not a big deal

C. Yes, I'm happy if changes in weight result in less emphasis on my secondary sex characteristics

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