Sexuality Spectrum Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 7233 | Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Sexuality Spectrum Quiz

Sexuality is diverse and cannot be easily categorized. Everyone falls somewhere on the sexuality spectrum, which encompasses a wide range of sexual identities and orientations. Whether you are attracted to the same sex, the opposite sex, or have a unique sexual identity, this quiz will help you discover where you lie on the sexuality spectrum. Take the quiz to learn more about your own sexual orientation.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following genders turn you on?

A. Same

B. Opposite

C. All

D. None

2. Do you get repulsed by the idea of sex?

A. Yes

B. Not always

C. No

D. Not at all

3. Do you struggle to seek pleasure in sex from the opposite gender?

A. Yes, I do

B. No, I love it

C. Yes, sometimes

D. Yes, all sexes for that matter

4. Do you prefer playing with yourself or your partner?

A. Myself

B. My partner

C. Sometimes

D. No, I don’t

5. Do you think you practice what you believe in?

A. Not yet

B. I’m forcing myself

C. Yes, I do

D. Whenever I can

6. Do you like being romantic with your partner?

A. Yes, not always, though

B. No, I don’t

C. Sometimes

D. I hate romance

7. Do you think people understand your sexual orientation?

A. Rarely

B. Yes, of course

C. No, I don’t think so

D. They have become more accepting

8. Do you often hide your sexuality?

A. No, I don’t have to

B. Sometimes

C. Not anymore

D. Yes, I do

9. Do you enjoy penetrative sex?

A. Yes, I do

B. Not always

C. No, I don’t

D. Yes, sometimes

10. Have you found someone like you?

A. Yes, I have

B. I don’t think I will ever find them

C. Yes, finally

D. Not really

11. How do you feel about casual dating?

A. I enjoy it

B. Only with the opposite sex

C. Only with the same sex

D. Not interested

12. How do you respond to someone flirting with you?

A. I enjoy it regardless of their gender

B. I get excited

C. I enjoy it if they are the same sex

D. I feel uncomfortable

13. Do you fantasize about people of different genders?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, only the opposite gender

C. Only the same gender

D. I rarely fantasize

14. How do you feel about physical affection in public?

A. Comfortable with anyone

B. Only comfortable with the opposite sex

C. Only comfortable with the same sex

D. Prefer not to

15. Do you think about having a future with your partner?

A. Yes, regardless of their gender

B. Yes, if they are the opposite sex

C. Yes, if they are the same sex

D. Not really

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