Chinese Baby Gender Predictor Quiz

Imani Bowman
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 9940 | Updated: Feb 15, 2025
Chinese Baby Gender Predictor Quiz

Are you eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little one and wondering whether it will be a boy or a girl?

The anticipation can be overwhelming, right?

While there are many ways to guess, one interesting method is the Chinese baby gender predictor. It's an ancient tradition that has intrigued many expecting parents over the years!

So, what if you could add a bit of fun and mystery to your baby's gender reveal?

Curious to see if the Chinese baby gender predictor gives you a hint?

Let's dive in and see what it has in store for you!

Questions Excerpt

1. How old were you when you conceived your baby?

A. Under 18

B. 18-30

C. 31 or older

2. In which month did you conceive your baby?

A. January, March, May, July, September, November

B. February, April, June, October

C. August, December

3. What is your Chinese zodiac sign?

A. Rat, Dragon, Monkey

B. Ox, Sheep, Dog

C. Tiger, Horse, Dog

4. How would you describe your pregnancy mood so far?

A. Calm, peaceful, and happy

B. Emotional and moody

C. Stressed and anxious

5. Have you been craving salty or sweet foods during pregnancy?

A. Salty or savory foods

B. Sweet or fruity foods

C. I haven't had cravings

6. How have your energy levels been during pregnancy?

A. I feel more energetic than usual

B. I feel tired, but not too bad

C. I've been exhausted and low-energy

7. How would you describe your sleep patterns?

A. I'm sleeping well and feeling rested

B. I'm sleeping a little restlessly

C. I'm having trouble sleeping or waking up frequently

8. How would you describe the way you're carrying your baby?

A. I'm carrying high

B. I'm carrying low

C. I don't know

9. Do you already have children?

A. Yes, I have one or more children

B. No, this is my first child

C. I have children, but this is my second

10. How often do you feel your baby moving?

A. Constantly, my baby is very active

B. Sometimes, I feel occasional movements

C. I rarely feel movement, or it's still early

11. How would you describe your pregnancy symptoms?

A. Mostly smooth, no major issues

B. Some nausea or discomfort

C. Lots of symptoms, feeling quite unwell

12. What has your appetite been like during pregnancy?

A. I have a big appetite and am eating lots

B. I'm eating normally

C. My appetite is smaller than usual

13. How has your mood been in general throughout pregnancy?

A. Happy, calm, and optimistic

B. A little more emotional than usual

C. Irritable, easily frustrated

14. How do you feel about the Chinese Baby Gender Predictor?

A. Excited to see if it's accurate!

B. Skeptical but still curious

C. Not sure what to expect

15. How do you feel about your pregnancy overall?

A. I'm excited and optimistic

B. I'm anxious but excited

C. I'm nervous and unsure

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