How Attracted Are You To People Of Your Own Gender Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 11802 | Updated: Jan 15, 2025
How Attracted Are You to People of Your Own Gender Quiz

Same-sex attraction has sparked debates for centuries and is still a controversial topic in many cultures today. However, it’s important to remember that same-sex relationships have existed throughout history, regardless of societal views.

Even iconic figures like Alexander the Great were rumored to have had romantic relationships with men, yet he remains one of history's most influential leaders.

So, when it comes to you, how do you feel about people of your own gender? Are you curious about your level of attraction or just wondering where you fall on the spectrum?

Take our "How Attracted Are You to People of Your Own Gender?" quiz to explore your feelings and gain some insights into your personal preferences.

Questions Excerpt

1. What do you think of romantic gestures from someone of your own gender?

A. I wouldn’t like them at all.

B. I’d find them interesting but unusual.

C. They’d make me uncomfortable but manageable.

D. I find them sweet and endearing.

2. How do you feel about exploring different forms of affection with someone of your own gender?

A. I’m open to it and curious.

B. I’m curious, but I would need to feel comfortable first.

C. I don't think about it much.

D. I’m not interested in it at all.

3. When someone of the same gender compliments you, how do you feel?

A. I feel flattered and enjoy the attention.

B. It makes me feel good, but I don't read too much into it.

C. I feel a little awkward but appreciate the compliment.

D. I don’t pay much attention to it.

4. Do you think about the possibility of being in a romantic relationship with someone of the same gender?

A. Yes, it's something I think about.

B. Sometimes, but I don't know if I could do it.

C. I rarely think about it.

D. No, I can't imagine it

5. hen you see a good-looking person of your own gender, what’s your first reaction?

A. I feel drawn to them and wonder what it would be like to be close to them.

B. I notice them, but don't feel much.

C. I think they're attractive, but not in a romantic way.

D. I just admire their appearance, but that's all.

6. How do you feel when you see someone of your own gender showing affection in public?

A. It makes me feel warm and happy.

B. I find it a little awkward, but it’s fine.

C. I don't really pay attention to it

D. I feel uncomfortable or uneasy.

7. How do you feel when someone of your gender flirts with you?

A. I’d dislike it and want it to stop.

B. It’s flattering but confusing.

C. I’d feel awkward but not offended.

D. I enjoy it and may flirt back.

8. How do you feel about sharing a romantic meal with someone of your gender?

A. I wouldn’t want to do that.

B. I’d feel a little unsure but enjoy it.

C. It would feel awkward but manageable.

D. I’d love it and feel very comfortable.

9. Do you enjoy deep emotional connections with someone of the same gender?

A. Not really; I prefer connections with a different gender.

B. Sometimes, but it’s not a priority.

C. I like them, but only platonically.

D. Yes, they’re incredibly fulfilling for me.

10. How do you feel when you see someone of your gender who is particularly attractive?

A. I feel nothing; it doesn’t affect me.

B. I admire them but don’t think too much about it.

C. I notice but don’t feel anything beyond that.

D. I feel drawn to them and want to know more.

11. How do you feel about spending time alone with someone of your own gender?

A. I love it; it feels natural and enjoyable.

B. It’s fine, but I don’t seek it out.

C. It’s okay, but I’m not always comfortable.

D. I avoid it unless it’s necessary.

12. How do you feel about sharing personal secrets with someone of the same gender?

A. I feel safe and open with them.

B. I only share surface-level things.

C. I prefer sharing with someone of a different gender.

D. I share, but not deeply.

13. How do you feel about dating someone of your own gender?

A. It’s exciting and feels like a possibility.

B. I don’t think it would work for me.

C. I’ve thought about it but never seriously considered it.

D. I wouldn’t be interested at all.

14. Have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender?

A. Yes, it’s happened before.

B. Maybe, but I didn’t understand it at the time.

C. I thought I did, but it wasn’t serious.

D. No, I’ve never experienced that.

15. How do you respond to compliments from people of your gender?

A. I feel special and enjoy the attention.

B. I think they’re nice but not meaningful.

C. I appreciate them but don’t think much about it.

D. I feel awkward and don’t know how to respond.

16. How do you feel about physical touch, like hugs, from someone of your gender?

A. I enjoy it and feel a sense of closeness.

B. I’m okay with it, but it doesn’t feel significant.

C. It’s fine in certain situations but not always.

D. I feel uncomfortable and avoid it.

17. What’s your reaction to seeing same-gender couples in public?

A. I feel happy and find it relatable.

B. I feel indifferent; it doesn’t resonate with me.

C. I’m curious about their connection.

D. I feel like it’s not something I understand.

18. How would you react if a same-gender friend confessed romantic feelings for you?

A. I’d let them down politely and move on.

B. I’d be excited and consider pursuing it.

C. I’d be flattered but unsure about it.

D. I’d feel awkward but appreciate their honesty.

19. How do you feel about watching romantic movies featuring same-gender couples?

A. I feel deeply connected to them.

B. I don’t mind watching, but it doesn’t affect me.

C. I watch them out of curiosity.

D. I avoid watching them.

20. Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about someone of the same gender?

A. Yes, it happens often.

B. Rarely, and it’s not something I dwell on.

C. Sometimes, but I don’t think it means much.

D. No, it’s never crossed my mind.

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