Does Your Same Gender Friend Like You Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
Christiana Njoku
Licensed Professional Counselor
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 7146 | Updated: Jul 23, 2024
Does Your Same Gender Friend Like You Quiz

Having friends is a very beneficial thing in your social life. They are key to emotional support, advice, entertainment, and protection. Friends that are the same gender as you serve more of a better spiritual connection since they deal with the same struggles and habits as you probably have. But how are you confident that your same-gender friend genuinely likes you as a friend? Take this 'Does Your Same Gender Friend like You' quiz to find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you both spend time together?

A. Yes

B. Occasionally

C. No

2. Do you both rely on each other for emotional support?

A. Yes

B. At times

C. No

3. Do you trust each other?

A. Of course

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

4. Do you give and accept advice from this friend?

A. Absolutely

B. It depends

C. No

5. Are they honest to you?

A. Of course

B. Sometimes

C. No

6. Do you both have similar humor?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

7. Do you think they genuinely care about you?

A. Of course

B. Maybe

C. Not really

8. Do you feel safe and protected around them?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

9. Are they willing to buy you necessities or things you need?

A. Definitely

B. Maybe

C. No

10. Do you consider this friend to be a part of your family?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

11. How often do they initiate conversation?

A. Frequently

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

12. Do they make an effort to meet your friends and family?

A. Yes, actively

B. Once in a while

C. Not really

13. How do they react when you discuss dates with other people?

A. They seem interested and supportive

B. They are indifferent

C. They seem uncomfortable or jealous

14. Do they share personal stories and secrets with you?

A. All the time

B. Occasionally, when it's relevant

C. Rarely or never

15. How do they respond to your successes and achievements?

A. They are genuinely enthusiastic and supportive

B. They acknowledge them but don't make a big deal

C. They often overlook or dismiss them

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