What Is My Sexuality Quiz?

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 2231 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 What Is My Sexuality Quiz?
Sexuality is a big part of our lives. Whether we consider ourselves straight, bi, or gay, it often takes time to find out about ourselves and even more time to accept ourselves as we are. Unfortunately, many parameters affect our sexual lives, and most of all, how well we know our sexuality. So, how do you define yourself sexually? If you wish to find out more, take our what is my sexuality quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your gender?

A. Male

B. Female

C. Gender fluid

D. Others

2. How sexually active are you?

A. Very active

B. Moderately active

C. Not active

D. I don’t think I will ever be active

3. What is your opinion about gender fluid people?

A. I support then but not in a romantic way

B. I think I might be one of them

C. I don’t judge people by their gender, their character is important

D. I don’t support them

4. Your first crush was…..

A. Of the same gender

B. Of opposite gender

C. I don’t remember

D. Androgynous

5. Do you ever feel that you are confused about your sexuality?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

D. Never thought about it

6. Fill In - Personality is…..

A. Important than looks

B. Not that important

C. Everything

D. Mirror to your soul

7. Keeping gender aside, what are you attracted to?

A. Masculinity

B. Femininity

C. Both

D. None

8. Does your sexual feelings change often?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. I never really thought about it 

9. Does the gender of the person you are attracted to matter?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not always

D. Sometimes

10. Do you feel attracted to only men or women?

A. Men

B. Women

C. Both

D. None

11. How many times do you have sex during the day?

A. Once

B. Twice

C. Three time

D. More than three times

12. What is your favorite thing to do in the bedroom?

A. The 69

B. Anal sex

C. Oral sex

D. Nothing

13. Do you think you will still be sexually active at 60?

A. Of course you will because there are so many things to explore

B. You don't know

C. You don't wish to. You just want a great partner

D. You'll probably won't be anymore

14. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in the bedroom?

A. A threesome

B. Using sex toys

C. Going on and on up to an hour

D. You never do anything exciting anyway

15. Have you ever tried a threesome?

A. Yes, of course and with people from different genders

B. Yes, with same sex partners

C. No, never but you would like to try

D. No, never and you don't think you are willing to try it

16. Do you enjoy watching porn?

A. Yes, of course

B. Yes, gay porn

C. Yes, you like watching gay and straight porn

D. Not really

17. Do you often use sex toys during an intercourse?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. You've never even been tempted

18. With what gender do you prefer having sex the most?

A. Female

B. Male

C. Both female and male

D. As long as it is the opposite sex you are okay with it

19. How many sexual partners do you have?

A. Only 1

B. 2

C. More than 2

D. You've only had one for a long period of time

20. How many times do you have sex during the week?

A. Three times

B. Twice

C. Once

D. Almost never

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