Are You Open With Your Partner Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 400 | Updated: Mar 28, 2023
 Are You Open with Your Partner Quiz?

Being honest and sharing your thoughts with your partner is vital for having a healthy relationship. Just communicating doesn’t mean you are doing well – often, communication takes the form of criticism, listening just to judge the other person, and making insensitive remarks. Being open in a relationship refers to two different aspects – first, revealing your real opinions and concerns, and second, truly listening to your partner and accepting them. This quiz will let you know how open you are with your partner.

Questions Excerpt

1. How is your self-esteem?

A. At optimal levels

B. Moderate

C. Low

D. Very low

2. What does your partner think about your opinions?

A. That they are important

B. Nothing special

C. That they don't matter

D. That they are stupid

3. Do you enjoy talking to people?

A. Very much

B. Yes, mostly

C. Not really

D. No, I think I am boring to listen to

4. Do you reveal personal information about yourself?

A. Yes, but only to people I can trust

B. Yes, if it's really necessary

C. Sometimes

D. No, because it makes me vulnerable

5. Do you avoid arguments with your partner?

A. No, they are a part of life and should be managed carefully

B. Occasionally

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, because I don't want them to get angry

6. Do you change your opinion just to be in line with your partner?

A. No, I am not afraid to say what I think

B. I do compromise occasionally

C. Sometimes I do

D. All the time

7. Do you avoid speaking your mind?

A. Never, but I do it with diplomacy

B. Occasionally

C. Sometimes

D. Often, because I am afraid of being rejected

8. Does your partner mock you when disclosing your fears?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

9. Do you hide any secrets from your partner?

A. No, I would never do that

B. Just unimportant things like shopping sessions they don't need to know about

C. Just stupid things from my past

D. Yes, because I am afraid I might lose them

10. Who do you share your most intimate thoughts with?

A. My partner

B. My mother or father

C. My friends

D. No one really

11. Are you afraid to discuss your fears with your partner?

A. Yes I am

B. No, I don't

C. I tell them about most of my fear

D. I haven't discuss them, but I will

12. Can you speak your mind with your partner?

A. Yes, I can be open

B. I don't think I feel comfortable just yet

C. Most times yes

D. I don't think I do

13. If your thoughts do not match with your partner, do you change them?

A. No, both our opinions can coexist

B. Yes, all the time

C. Only if I think it will hurt them

D. When I fear they would be angry

14. Do you think you are boring?

A. I think I am

B. No, I am not

C. Around boring people

D. On some days

15. Do you guys have constructive discussions/arguments?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Mostly

D. Never

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