Should We Move In Together Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 20679 | Updated: Oct 07, 2024
Should We Move in Together Quiz

Moving in together is a significant step for couples, solidifying your relationship and allowing you to plan for the future, whether it's marriage or starting a family.

It also helps you grow closer, learning more about each other while preventing distance from forming.

But is it the right time?

Or should you wait?

Take our "Should we move in together?" quiz and find out now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Are there any constraints forcing you to move in with your lover?

A. Yes, financial or housing issues are pressuring us to move in together.

B. No, but we’re considering it for the sake of convenience and saving money.

C. Yes, we’re struggling with managing rent separately, but we need more financial stability.

D. No, we’re happy living apart for now and focusing on our individual growth.

2. Are you both emotionally ready for the challenges that living together might bring?

A. Yes, we're prepared for it

B. We're getting there

C. Not really, but we'll figure it out

D. No, we might not be ready for that yet

3. Have you discussed household responsibilities and chores?

A. Yes, we have a plan

B. Briefly, but nothing specific

C. Not yet, but we know it's important

D. No, we haven't thought about it

4. How do you feel about sharing personal space with your partner full-time?

A. Comfortable and excited

B. Nervous but open to trying

C. Unsure, it's a big adjustment

D. Anxious, I value my personal space a lot

5. How do you handle conflicts in your relationship?

A. We communicate and resolve things well

B. We usually figure it out, but sometimes it's hard

C. We struggle with communication

D. We tend to avoid or escalate conflicts

6. Do you both have similar goals for the future?

A. Yes, we're on the same page

B. Somewhat, but we're still figuring it out

C. Not really; we haven't discussed it much

D. No, we have very different life goals

7. Are you comfortable sharing your space with someone?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. Not really

C. Absolutely not

D. I don’t know

8. Are you both fine with each other’s annoying habits?

A. Yes, that is a part of life

B. I suppose

C. Somewhat

D. Not at all

9. How much time do you both spend together?

A. We see each other everyday

B. About twice or thrice a week

C. Whenever we get free time

D. A couple of times a month

10. Are you aware of all the responsibilities that come with moving in with your lover?

A. No

B. I try to

C. Not really

D. Yes

11. Have you ever talked about moving in together?

A. Yes, a lot

B. Vaguely

C. Not really

D. Yes, but for a very short period of time

12. Do you have long-term plans after you move in together?

A. Yes

B. More or less

C. I don't know

D. Not yet

13. Are you enthusiastic about moving in together?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. I think so

14. Did you decide on the roles each one of you will play once you move in together?

A. Yes

B. More or less

C. Not really

D. It's not in our plans

15. Have you already divided the costs when it comes to furniture?

A. Yes, of course

B. Not yet

C. We don’t have the money yet

D. I have my own furniture

16. Do you think that you can get along if you live under the same roof?

A. Yes, of course

B. Maybe

C. I hope so

D. No, that’s impossible

17. Do you have the finances to share a place together?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. Not yet

D. Yes, but it’s for other stuff

18. Do you get along well when you work on a task together?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. It's rare

D. No, never

19. Have you ever worked on a project together before?

A. Yes, many

B. A few

C. Not yet

D. We don't need to

20. Have you ever shared bills before?

A. Yes

B. A few

C. Not yet

D. We don't need to

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