Do You Have A Selfish Partner Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 27225 | Updated: Mar 20, 2025
Do You Have a Selfish Partner Quiz

Does your partner truly consider your feelings, or do their needs always seem to come first?

It is not always easy to tell… Some people are naturally independent, while others may unintentionally overlook how their actions affect their partner.

But if you often feel unheard, unappreciated, or like you are the only one making sacrifices, it might be time to take a closer look.

This "Do you have a selfish partner?" quiz will help you reflect on your relationship and see if your partner's behavior feels balanced—or if something is off.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you pay attention to your partner's needs more than they pay attention to yours?

A. Yes, all the time.

B. Sometimes, but I try to keep things balanced.

C. My partner is very attentive to me as well

D. We both make an effort, but they sometimes take the lead in decisions

2. Does your partner listen to you when you express your thoughts or concerns?

A. Always, they genuinely care about what I have to say.

B. Sometimes, but they can be dismissive at times.

C. Only when it suits them or aligns with their interests.

D. I think so, but I often feel like they do not fully hear me.

3. When you and your partner argue, do they make it all about them?

A. Yes, they tend to shift the focus onto themselves, making me feel bad.

B. Sometimes, but I think they do it more to justify their actions than to hurt me.

C. No, they try to keep things fair and understand my perspective.

D. Yes, but it often seems like they need reassurance rather than control.

4. Do you feel like you sacrifice more of your personal freedom than they do?

A. Yes, I often make compromises while they do not.

B. Maybe, but I am not sure if it is intentional.

C. Occasionally, but they also make sacrifices for me.

D. No, we both respect each other's independence.

5. Do you sometimes feel used in the relationship?

A. Yes, quite often.

B. Sometimes, but I am not sure if it is intentional.

C. I have never really thought of it that way.

D. No, I feel valued and appreciated.

6. Do you feel like you are a top priority for your partner?

A. Yes, they always make me feel important and loved.

B. No, I often feel like I come second to their needs.

C. It varies—sometimes I do, other times I do not.

D. Most of the time, but their attachment can feel overwhelming.

7. Does your partner share their financial resources with you?

A. Yes, they are generous and open about finances.

B. They share some, but they like to maintain control over most of it.

C. They contribute a little, but they prefer to keep things separate.

D. No, they keep everything to themselves.

8. Does your partner openly share details about their life with you?

A. Yes, we have open and honest conversations

B. They share some things, but not everything

C. Not really; I feel like I share much more than they do

D. They avoid talking about certain aspects of their life.

9. How does your partner react when they do not get their way?

A. They get upset and try to make me feel guilty.

B. They rarely get upset about it.

C. Sometimes, they overreact, but I think it comes from insecurity.

D. They can be frustrated, but they usually calm down quickly.

10. Do you feel unhappy in your relationship due to your partner's behavior?

A. Yes, I often feel drained and unfulfilled.

B. Yes, sometimes I feel trapped or restricted.

C. Yes, but mostly because they can be overwhelming.

D. No, I am happy in the relationship.

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