What Kind Of A Partner Are You Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
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Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 21472 | Updated: Dec 15, 2024
What Kind of a Partner Are You Quiz

Are you insecure and needy? Are you high maintenance and a taker? Or are you selfish and play games in a relationship? Ready to find out what kind of a partner are you?

Many of us like to think that we are a great catch, an excellent partner, the kind of person everyone would want to be with. Unfortunately, most of us have no idea how we are in relationships. Take the test and find out the truth. Good luck!

Questions Excerpt

1. When it comes to compromise in your relationship, how often are you the one to give in and not get your way?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Never

2. What do you think about your partner having close friends of the opposite gender?

A. It makes me feel anxious and worried

B. I trust them and believe in personal freedom

C. I forbid it because it could lead to problems

3. How do you approach decisions that affect both of you?

A. I hesitate to express my thoughts, fearing rejection

B. We discuss and make decisions collaboratively

C. I take control to ensure things go the right way

4. How often do you need reassurance in your relationship?

A. Very often; I feel uncertain without it

B. Occasionally, but I can manage without it

C. Rarely, but when I do, I expect my partner to provide it quickly and consistently, especially when I'm feeling uncertain

5. When your partner succeeds in something, how do you react?

A. I feel I might not be good enough in comparison

B. I celebrate their achievements fully

C. I remind them I also played a big part in their success

6. How do you respond when your partner has different plans from yours?

A. I worry they’ll stop including me

B. I encourage them to enjoy their plans

C. I insist they change their plans to align with mine

7. Your partner forgets a special day, say your birthday or a Valentine’s Day, what’s your reaction?

A. Feel hurt and neglected, and might drop hints or become upset, hoping they’ll realize their mistake and apologize

B. Understand that sometimes things slip through the cracks, and I’ll mention it calmly, giving them the chance to make it up to me without making a big deal

C. Give them the silent treatment until they beg for forgiveness so they know never to do that again

8. When your partner leaves their social media handle open, what do you do?

A. I post nice pictures of us to their profile

B. I walk away. I trust them and respect their privacy

C. I check their DMs and updates instantly

9. Your partner spends a lot of time away from you, how do you react?

A. This never happens. I go wherever my partner goes

B. Trust that they need their space and focus on my own activities or self-care, while staying connected and supportive when we do spend time together

C. This never happens. My partner goes where I permit them to go

10. How do you respond to confrontations in a relationship?

A. Avoid confrontation and try to appease my partner, even if it means not expressing my true feelings

B. Calmly discuss the issue, listen to my partner’s perspective, and work together to find a solution

C. I tend to get defensive

11. If as a couple you need to move to another house, what are the key factors for you?

A. Making sure my needs are met first, like being close to my work or family, even if it inconveniences my partner

B. Finding a balance that works for both of us, considering factors like location, budget, and mutual preferences

C. Prioritizing control over the decision, ensuring the house meets my standards regardless of my partner’s input

12. In a social situation, your partner says something that completely embarrasses you. How do you react?

A. Feel hurt and worry they don’t respect me. I might quietly withdraw and seek reassurance from them later

B. I know my partner didn't mean to embarrass me, so I just laughed it off and moved on

C. Get upset and call them out on it in front of everyone to make sure they know they crossed the line

13. We are arguing; I am proven right, and my partner is proven wrong. What happens?

A. I was right, but my partner doesn't need to know that. I just don't like to argue

B. Right or wrong doesn’t matter as much as reconnecting as a couple

C. Of course, I was right; I always am!

14. We are meeting people for dinner, and my partner is running late. What do you do?

A. Constantly text or call my partner to check where they are and worry they’re upset with me for being frustrated

B. It's okay, I am sometimes late for things too

C. I continue to rush my partner along; being late is unacceptable

15. My partner is meeting an old friend of mine for the first time, and my friend is very attractive; I feel.....

A. Concerned, maybe my partner will find my friend more attractive than me

B. Maybe a bit tense, but deep down I know I can trust my partner

C. Jealous and uncomfortable. I might even subtly warn my partner about my friend or make comments to assert my territory

16. You are at a party, and someone blatantly flirts with your partner. What do you do?

A. I don't leave my partner's side for the remainder of the party

B. I'll make my presence known but I really won't mind and enjoy the party

C. I make my presence known and insist that we leave immediately

17. Your partner is invited to a work gathering. The activity is not something you enjoy, but they did invite you. What do you do?

A. I will go because I don't want my partner to go without me

B. No thanks, my partner can go as they will enjoy it, I will find something else to do

C. Obviously neither of us will be going

18. You are making dinner;  you know your partner loves onions on everything, but you hate them!  What do you do?

A. Cook with a lot of onions, pretend to eat, and then eat something else secretly later so I don’t inconvenience my partner

B. Make the dish with onions on the side so my partner can enjoy them without affecting my portion

C. I make the dinner without onions. I am cooking, I will make it my way

19. It's 8 p.m. there is a show on TV that you have been wanting to see, your partner also wants to watch a show at the same time on another channel. What happens?

A. I let my partner decide and reassure them it’s okay, even though I’m secretly disappointed

B. We talk it through and either take turns, watch one together, or record/stream the other for later

C. I insist on watching my show because it’s important to me, and I expect my partner to compromise

20. You’ve won $500! What will you do with it?

A. Spend it on something that reassures or connects me to my partner, like a fancy date or a gift for them

B. Discuss with my partner how we can use it together, whether for savings, something fun, or a shared goal

C. Decide on my own how to spend it, focusing on something I want or need without consulting my partner

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