Is My Wife Crazy Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2235 | Updated: Apr 07, 2022
Is My Wife Crazy Quiz
Are you married to a wife who seems frenzied during arguments, overly emotional about minor things, or who has an unusually short fuse? You might be starting to ask yourself, “Is my wife crazy?”. Some women’s temperament changes over time due to what is going on in their lives, their age, and other factors. Some women struggle with different trauma or mental health issues that would create more extreme behaviors and mood changes. Regardless of the root cause, it is something you probably want to know if you plan on trying to help change it or be more understanding of what is going on. If you are struggling with these thoughts in your mind and are looking for answers, this quick quiz can reveal just what you are looking for.

Questions Excerpt

1. How old is your wife?

A. 36+

B. 31-35

C. 26-30

D. 25 or under

2. Is this behavior something new, or has she always been this way?

A. This is something new

B. It comes and goes

C. I am not sure

D. No, she has been this way, but it has started getting to me more over time

3. Does anyone else close to her in her life (family, friends, etc.) ever comment about her temperament or have the same concerns you do?

A. Only recently, a family member said something

B. Sporadically

C. No, not that I can recall

D. Yes, both friends and family

4. If you have a sudden change of plans, is she understanding about it or not?

A. She used to always be, but recently she gets upset

B. It depends on her mood

C. Yes, most of the time, she is understanding

D. No, she rarely understands

5. Does she ever just show up at places where you are without being invited and just “check in” because she was “in the neighborhood” or “thinking about you”?

A. Not that I can remember

B. Rarely

C. No, but she does text a lot sometimes when we aren’t together

D. Yes, that has happened a few times or more

6. Do you ever feel like she will drop anything to hang out with you or rearrange her whole life to make herself available?

A. No, she hasn’t ever done that unless it was important to me

B. Rarely

C. I don’t think so

D. Yes, she has done that

7. Has she been experiencing unusual fatigue, hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, chills, sleep issues, irregular periods, or other physical symptoms that have evolved recently?

A. Yes, definitely

B. Not so much physical; it’s more of the moods and behaviors I’ve noticed

C. No, not that I have noticed

D. I don't know

8. Has your wife ever been diagnosed with or received treatment for a mental illness?

A. I am not sure

B. Yes

C. No

D. Not that she has told me, but I think she should

9. Do you feel like you both have your own independence in your relationship?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time, I do

D. No, I think that is one of the issues

10. Does she often accuse you of doing things you are not doing, talking to people you aren’t talking to, or other outlandish accusations that she is convinced you are hiding from her?

A. No, never

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Yes, she does this frequently

11. When you ask your friends and family about her, what do they say?

A. They say they have recently noticed behavioral changes in her

B. They say there may be an underlying cause for her behavior

C. They love her

D. They are not sure what the problem with her is

12. If you do not call her one day, how does she react?

A. She texts me a few times

B. She switches off her phone and does not speak to anyone

C. She calls herself to check in on me

D. She calls obsessively, might even show up to my location

13. What happens when she is extremely upset with you?

A. She gets really sad over the smallest of things

B. She shuts down and does not talk to me at all

C. She is very understanding and tries to talk it out

D. She gets very angry, to the point where she throws things and yells

14. How does she react if you post a picture with a close friend on your social media?

A. She doesn’t say much

B. She doesn’t care

C. She likes it and comments on it

D. She gets very upset about it

15. How does she react when you say you are going out with your gang?

A. She anyway likes to stay home these days

B. She does not want to hang out with them

C. She makes plans with her own friends or stays home for some me-time

D. She gets very upset about me leaving her behind

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