Are You Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Relationship Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 82 | Updated: Jan 18, 2024
Are You Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Relationship Quiz

In relationships, it's easy to fall into patterns that can inadvertently harm the bond you share with your partner. Whether it's how you communicate, handle conflict, or manage jealousy, these behaviors can sometimes sabotage a relationship without you even realizing it. This quiz aims to shed light on such patterns. It's an opportunity for introspection and to understand better how your actions might be impacting your relationship. 

Remember, the ‘Are You Unknowingly Sabotaging Your Relationship’ quiz is a tool for self-reflection and not a definitive assessment. It's always wise to consider professional guidance for relationship issues.

Questions Excerpt

1. When you're upset with your partner, how do you typically express yourself?

A. I tend to shut down and avoid discussing the issue

B. I try to discuss it but often end up blaming them

C. I calmly express my feelings and listen to their perspective

2. Do you often feel jealous or suspicious about your partner’s actions, even without clear reasons?

A. Yes, quite frequently

B. Sometimes, but I try to keep it in check

C. Rarely or never

3. How do you react to your partner's successes and achievements?

A. I often feel threatened or jealous

B. I'm happy for them, but it can be hard for me sometimes

C. I'm genuinely happy and supportive

4. When you have a disagreement, how do you usually resolve it?

A. By trying to win the argument or giving the silent treatment

B. By discussing, but sometimes it escalates into a bigger fight

C. By finding a compromise or understanding each other’s point of view

5. Do you feel the need to control where your partner goes or who they meet?

A. Yes, I often do

B. Sometimes, but I know it's not right

C. No, I respect their independence

6. How do you react to your partner’s flaws or habits you don’t like?

A. I criticize them or make negative comments

B. I get annoyed but try not to say much

C. I accept them or discuss constructively if it’s a major issue

7. How often do you express appreciation or gratitude towards your partner?

A. Rarely or never

B. Sometimes, but I could do it more

C. Regularly and sincerely

8. Do you often sacrifice your needs for the relationship, leading to resentment?

A. Yes, this happens quite often

B. Sometimes, but I'm learning to balance

C. No, I maintain a healthy balance between my needs and the relationship

9. When stressed or upset, do you tend to take it out on your partner?

A. Yes, frequently

B. Occasionally, though I know it's not fair

C. No, I try to manage my emotions independently or discuss them calmly

10. Do you include your partner in your future plans and respect their goals?

A. Not really, I mostly focus on my own plans

B. Sometimes, but we have some conflicts in this area

C. Yes, we regularly discuss and respect each other's goals

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