Does My Girlfriend Really Know Me Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Mar 06, 2025
Does My Girlfriend Really Know Me Quiz

Have you ever caught yourself wondering, “Does my girlfriend really know me?” Maybe she surprises you with your favorite snack or finishes your sentences, or perhaps she still mixes up your favorite movie. 

This quiz will help you figure out just how well she understands your personality, preferences, and life experiences. Whether she’s a total expert on you or still in the learning phase, this fun quiz will reveal the answer. Let’s get started!

Questions Excerpt

1. If I could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of my life, what would it be?

A. My absolute favorite cuisine

B. Something close, but not quite

C. Completely off

2. How well does my girlfriend remember my childhood stories?

A. She can retell them better than I can

B. She remembers a few details

C. She doesn’t remember much at all

3. If I’m having a bad day, what is the best way to cheer me up?

A. Exactly what I need

B. Something that kind of helps

C. Not what I would prefer

4. Does my girlfriend know my biggest fear?

A. Yes, she knows it perfectly

B. She has a general idea

C. No, she wouldn’t guess it right

5. If I had a free weekend, how would I most likely spend it?

A. She’d predict it spot-on

B. She’d be close but miss a few details

C. She’d be completely off

6. What would my dream vacation look like?

A. She knows exactly where I’d go

B. She might guess the destination but not the details

C. She’d get it totally wrong

7. If I had to choose between staying in or going out for a night, what would I pick?

A. She knows my choice instantly

B. She has an idea but isn’t sure

C. She’d guess wrong

8. How well does my girlfriend know my long-term goals?

A. She knows them as well as I do

B. She has a general idea but not in detail

C. She’s unsure about them

9. If I could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

A. She’d answer without hesitation

B. She might guess but not be certain

C. She wouldn’t have a clue

10. How often does my girlfriend surprise me with something I genuinely love?

A. Very often, she knows my tastes well

B. Sometimes, but not always

C. Rarely, she’s still figuring me out

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