Am I Romance Repulsed Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 203 | Updated: Nov 30, 2023
Am I Romance Repulsed Quiz

Romance is a diverse and complex world. Is the very idea of candlelit dinners, sweet nothings, and lovey-dovey movies enough to make you cringe? Or are you secretly a hopeless romantic at heart? 

Take our 'Am I Romance Repulsed Quiz' to find out where you fall on the romance spectrum. Whether you're a love aficionado or someone who'd rather not deal with the hearts and flowers, this quiz is sure to spark your curiosity!

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel about romantic movies or novels?

A. I absolutely adore them and can't get enough

B. I enjoy them occasionally, but they're not a big part of my life

C. I find them mostly unappealing and prefer other genres

2. What's your reaction when you witness public displays of affection?

A. I find them heartwarming and sweet

B. I don't mind them, but excessive PDA can be uncomfortable

C. I generally find them uncomfortable or repulsive

3. How do you feel about the idea of a surprise romantic date?

A. I'd love it! It's a dream come true

B. It might be nice occasionally, but I prefer other types of dates

C. I'd rather not have one; it feels too clich? or invasive

4. How do you respond to compliments about your appearance or romantic gestures?

A. I appreciate them and enjoy being the center of romantic attention

B. I'm fine with compliments, but too much romantic attention makes me uneasy

C. I often feel uncomfortable or repulsed by such attention

5. What's your view on grand, elaborate marriage proposals?

A. They're incredibly romantic and memorable

B. They're nice for some, but I'd prefer a simpler proposal

C. I find them unnecessary or overly dramatic

6. How do you react when someone expresses deep affection or love for you?

A. I'm touched and reciprocate their feelings wholeheartedly

B. I appreciate their feelings but may not express love as intensely

C. I find their affection overwhelming and may struggle to reciprocate

7. What's your stance on the concept of soulmates or "the one?"

A. I believe in the idea of soulmates and feel it's crucial to find them

B. I'm open to the idea but think that love can take many forms

C. I'm skeptical of the concept and believe in multiple compatible partners

8. How do you feel about Valentine's Day and its traditions?

A. I eagerly anticipate Valentine's Day and its romantic traditions

B. I acknowledge it but might not invest too much in its celebrations

C. I don't care for Valentine's Day and find its traditions excessive

9. How comfortable are you with sharing your personal feelings in a romantic relationship?

A. I'm very comfortable and enjoy sharing my emotions

B. I'm comfortable to a certain extent but may not express everything

C. I'm uncomfortable and prefer not to delve into deep emotional discussions

10. What's your take on long-term commitment and marriage?

A. I see them as the pinnacle of love and commitment

B. I'm open to commitment, but it doesn't necessarily have to include marriage

C. I'm skeptical of long-term commitment and marriage, finding them restricting or unnecessary

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