Are You In Love Or Are You Obsessed Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 32752 | Updated: Dec 05, 2024
Are You in Love or Are You Obsessed Quiz

Being in love is the feeling of true happiness in a reciprocal, unconditional, and mutually devoted relationship. Genuine love means wanting the absolute best for someone else and doing everything within your power to ensure their life with you is happy and fulfilling.

An obsession is more of an uncontrollable need and infatuation with another person that crosses the boundaries of a healthy relationship.

Obsession can become overbearing and delusional, and at times, obsessive thoughts can control a person’s actions, which could make a person possessive, jealous, and even violent.

Do you know if your feelings are those of love, obsession, or somewhere in between?

Has someone accused you of being obsessed, and you aren’t sure if that could be true?
Take this short quiz to find out if you are truly in love or just obsessed.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you check your partner’s social media?

A. 1-2 times daily

B. 5-10 times daily

C. I don’t check often, but I know that my partner does

D. Sometimes, when I miss them

2. Do you feel that your happiness depends on this person’s mood or actions?

A. No, I feel happy independently, though I enjoy sharing happiness with them.

B. Sometimes, my mood is affected by theirs, but I can separate my emotions

C. Yes, my happiness often depends on how they’re feeling or acting toward me.

D. Yes, I feel only as happy as they make me, and their mood or actions control my emotions entirely.

3. How often do you fantasize about a future with this person?

A. I occasionally think about our future but stay focused on the present relationship.

B. I think about our future together sometimes, but it doesn’t dominate my thoughts.

C. I frequently imagine our future and feel anxious or impatient for it to happen.

D. I constantly fantasize about our future, finding it hard to focus on anything else.

4. Do you rearrange your schedule frequently to spend more time with this person?

A. No, I make time for them but maintain a balanced schedule with other priorities.

B. Sometimes, I adjust my schedule, but I still keep commitments and personal time.

C. Yes, I often rearrange plans or obligations to prioritize time with them.

D. Yes, I frequently drop everything and change my schedule, feeling anxious if I can’t be with them.

5. How do you feel when this person is not around?

A. I’m perfectly fine with or without them

B. Content, I know we'll reconnect soon

C. A bit sad, but I manage

D. Anxious and restless

6. Do you constantly check your phone for messages from this person?

A. No, I trust our communication flow and don’t feel the need to check constantly.

B. I check for messages occasionally, but it doesn’t interfere with my daily life.

C. Yes, I find myself checking often and feel uneasy when I don’t see a message.

D. Yes, I constantly check my phone and feel anxious or distressed without frequent messages.

7. Do you fear your partner will cheat or accuse your partner of cheating?

A. No, I fully trust my partner and don’t worry about infidelity.

B. I occasionally feel insecure, but I don’t accuse them or dwell on the idea of cheating.

C. Yes, I often worry they might cheat and sometimes question their loyalty.

D. Yes, I constantly fear they’re being unfaithful and frequently accuse them of cheating.

8. Do you often try to control or change their life?

A. No, I respect their autonomy and support them as they are, without wanting to control or change them.

B. Occasionally, I offer advice, but I don’t push for changes or try to control their choices.

C. Yes, I sometimes feel the need to influence their decisions or behaviors to fit my expectations.

D. Yes, I frequently try to control or change aspects of their life, and I get upset if they don’t comply.

9. Do you find yourself needing constant reassurance?

A. Not really

B. I appreciate reassurance, but I don’t rely on it to feel secure.

C. Yes, I often need reassurance to feel secure and worry if I don’t receive it.

D. Yes, I constantly seek reassurance and feel anxious or unsettled without it.

10. Do you feel you need to “protect” the person you're in love with?

A. I care deeply but trust they can handle their own challenges without needing constant protection.

B. I feel protective at times but respect their independence and ability to manage things.

C. I often feel a strong need to shield them from difficulties, even when it may not be necessary.

D. I feel compelled to control their interactions and surroundings to ‘protect’ them, even when it’s excessive.

11. Is there trust in your relationship, or do you get jealous easily?

A. I completely trust my partner and feel secure in the relationship without jealousy.

B. I mostly trust my partner but occasionally feel a bit insecure, though it doesn’t affect us much.

C. I often feel jealous and worry about my partner’s loyalty, even when there’s no reason.

D. I constantly feel jealous and find it hard to trust my partner, often needing reassurance or control.

12. How often do you communicate with your partner when you aren’t together?

A. We communicate regularly but respect each other's space and time apart.

B. We talk frequently but can go without constant updates when apart.

C. I feel the need to check in with my partner often and get anxious if we don’t communicate.

D. I constantly message or call my partner, feeling uneasy or distressed if they don’t respond quickly.

13. Has there ever been verbal or physical abuse in your relationship?

A. No, we treat each other with respect and kindness, and there’s never been abuse.

B. No, just normal arguments that have become heated but not abusive

C. Yes, I definitely let my emotions get the best of me sometimes

D. Yes, there has been verbal or physical abuse, and I feel unable to stop it.

14. Do you spend a significant amount of time trying to please your partner or do things to keep them happy and prevent them from leaving?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. Very often

15. Are you concerned that you might be obsessed?

A. No, I feel secure in my feelings, and I’m confident they are healthy and balanced.

B. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m too focused on my partner, but I don’t think it’s a problem.

C. Yes, I often worry that I’m too attached or dependent on my partner.

D. Yes, I’m very concerned about my obsession and worry it’s affecting my life negatively.

16. Do you feel butterflies and excitement about your partner that controls your thoughts and emotions?

A. Yes, I feel excited but also balanced, with my thoughts and emotions in control.

B. I often feel butterflies, but it doesn’t overwhelm me or interfere with daily life.

C. Yes, I frequently feel intense excitement that distracts me from other things.

D. Yes, I’m constantly consumed by thoughts of my partner, unable to focus on anything else.

17. Have you become isolated from your family or friends because of your desire to always be with your partner?

A. No, I balance time with my partner and loved ones, and we encourage each other’s independence.

B. Sometimes, I prioritize my partner, but I still maintain connections with family and friends.

C. Yes, I often neglect family or friends because I feel the need to be with my partner frequently.

D. Yes, I’ve cut off relationships with family and friends, feeling I need to focus solely on my partner.

18. Has the “honeymoon phase” ended?

A. Yes, but our bond has deepened beyond infatuation, with mutual respect and lasting affection.

B. Yes, and while it’s not as exciting, I feel secure and comfortable in the relationship.

C. Yes, and I sometimes worry the spark fading means my partner’s interest is fading too.

D. Yes, and I feel anxious or fearful, constantly trying to recapture the excitement to keep their attention.

19. How does your sexual satisfaction reflect your connection with this person?

A. I feel less sexually satisfied because of their behaviors.

B. Very satisfied; everything feels right!

C. I am happy and satisfied in this aspect of our relationship.

D. I am, but I sense they might feel less satisfied than before.

20. How do you feel about changes in your partner's actions or behaviors over time?

A. I like seeing them change and grow and support any growth they have.

B. I notice changes and sometimes feel concerned, but I adapt and trust the strength of our bond.

C. I feel uneasy and struggle with changes in my partner, often fearing it means they're pulling away.

D. I feel threatened or resentful of any change in my partner, believing it’s a sign of losing control or affection.

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