Signs About The End Of Your Relationship Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 103 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Signs About The End of Your Relationship
As much as we want to hold on to our relationship, especially when we still care about the person, sometimes it’s just best to accept that you are probably not right for each other. There’s always someone in denial, while the other person knows that there’s no way you could still continue the relationship for many reasons. So, have you been seeing signs about the end of your relationship? If yes, take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you still look at each other’s eyes with love in your eyes?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Depends on the occasion

D. No, not anymore

2. Do you still say affectionate things to each other?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Only when you are both in a good mood

D. No, not anymore

3. Are you still very intimate with each other?

A. Yes, very much

B. It’s not that frequent but you can’t complain

C. Only when you are both in a good mood

D. No, not anymore

4. Do you still call each other during the day?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. It’s rare but it does happen

D. No, not all

5. Do you still go out on romantic dates?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. You used to but not anymore

6. Do you still share the same priorities?

A. Yes

B. No

C. You are not sure you do anymore

D. Depends on the priorities to be honest

7. Do you see the two of you together 5 years from now?

A. Yes, of course

B. Maybe

C. Sometimes you do, other times you don’t know

D. You don’t know anymore

8. Can you still have a normal conversation with your lover?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Depends on the conversation

D. No, not anymore

9. How many times a week do you fight with your partner?

A. All the time

B. At least 5 times a week

C. A few times a week

D. You almost never fight, and if you do, you make up right away

10. Do you still live under the same roof with your partner?

A. Yes

B. No

C. You are about to move out soon

D. Not really

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