Do We Have A Good Relationship Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 326 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Do We Have a Good Relationship Quiz
Whether they are mathematical or social, relationships are easy to get into but difficult to maintain. A relationship is a sum total of your and your partner's personalities. Over the years of togetherness, your relationship starts developing a personality of its own. If you feel an itch in your relationship, maybe it is time for you to either move on or talk about how you feel about your relationship. There is no harm in re-evaluating the current situation of your relationship with your significant other. After all, your emotions and mental health are at stake. Take this quiz to find out the personality of your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was the last time you watched a movie or a series together?

A. Last night, almost every night

B. We just started dating

C. It has been a while

D. I do not like what they like watching

2. How often do you have sex with your partner?

A. As often as we like

B. Whenever they want

C. Very rarely

D. Hopefully tonight

3. What attracts you towards your partner?

A. Their body

B. Their support

C. Never thought about it

D. Their absence

4. What do you find least attractive in your partner?

A. They don’t follow my system

B. They don’t talk much

C. It is all rosy and pinky

D. Their presence

5. How do you feel about Van Gough’s starry night painting?

A. I am singing “starry starry night”

B. I love the colours

C. I wish it were a little less curvy

D. I want to own this place

6. What is your situation with family and friends?

A. We meet them often, either alone or together

B. We stick to our circles

C. I have kind of lost touch

D. It is too early to make them meet my parents

7. Have you ever cheated on your partner?

A. Nope/ We have an open relationship

B. They are all I want

C. Yes, once, but haven’t told them

D. Yes, but it was fun

8. Are you able to read a book around them?

A. I am yet to read them

B. We do what we please

C. Yes, we don’t mind silence

D. They keep distracting me

9. What activities do you enjoy doing together?

A. Grocery shopping, long drives, talking, cooking, and the list goes on

B. Just being around them

C. We have varied interests

D. Not many

10. How do you feel about your relationship?

A. I couldn’t have asked for more

B. I am actually quite happy

C. I am not sure

D. I want to leave

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