Is My Girlfriend High Maintenance Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 693 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 Is My Girlfriend High Maintenance Quiz?
A loving girlfriends can come in all different shapes and sizes. But what do they expect from a relationship, in terms of maintenance? Some girlfriends are more laid back and docile to their boyfriends, and others require high maintenance in terms of attention, entertainment, lifestyle, or simply love. rnIf you wondering, “Is my girlfriend high maintenance,” take this quiz to find out the truth.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often does she need your help?

A. Very often

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

2. Do you feel like you always need to give her attention?

A. Always

B. Possibly

C. Rarely

3. Does she always ask you to do something for her?

A. Yes, always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

4. Do you consider her "needy”?

A. Very

B. Somewhat

C. No

5. Does she always focus on herself and her own appearance?

A. Very

B. Somewhat

C. Never

6. Does she always talk about what she wants?

A. Always

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely or never

7. Does she ask you to take her to places, specifically stores and shops?

A. Yes, often

B. Sometimes

C. No

8. Is she controlling?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

9. Is she easy to satisfy?

A. No

B. It depends

C. Yes

10. Do you think most of your time is spent with her?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

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