Who Is My Friend Girlfriend Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 98 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Who Is My Friend Girlfriend Quiz
Have you ever felt like, despite your suspicions, you are "just friends" with someone you're interested in? Are you "just friends" with this special someone? Do you want to be friends, or is there more between the two of you? This is a test that will determine just that.

Questions Excerpt

1. Is your crush nice to you, even when other friends are around?

A. Yes, they treat me the same- nicely- either way

B. My crush pretends not to know me at all

C. They act differently when we're alone- and more reserved around friends

2. How do you feel about your friend physically?

A. Cute. Extremely, adorably, irresistibly cute

B. Very attractive, but it's the personality I can't resist!

C. I don't know what they look like

3. If you had to guess, what would you say your friend thinks about you physically?

A. I know they find me attractive.

B. Average.

C. People say I'm attractive, but I don't know what my crush thinks.

4. Do you know your friend's parents/family?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. I avoid them at all costs!

5. Do the two of you have mutual close friends?

A. Yes, some

B. No not really

C. I don’t think so

6. How long have you two been friends?

A. We're just acquaintances

B. For more than a year

C. For a few months

7. Is either one of you currently in a relationship with someone else?

A. It depends upon what day of the week it is

B. Sort of

C. Yes

8. How often do you talk with her?

A. Like, five times a day

B. 24/7

C. Like, once a day

9. When you're talking to each other in a crowd, does she talk directly toward you?

A. No, she talks to everyone

B. Sometimes

C. Yes - she can't keep her eyes off me!

10. Does she make an effort to talk to you?

A. Yes, she brings up stupid topics just to talk to me

B. No, she avoids me

C. She'll start a conversation once in a while

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