Is My Girlfriend Jealous Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 422 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Is My Girlfriend Jealous Quiz
Being in relationships is tough, but being part of a relationship and having other female friends is even harder. It’s easy to get your girlfriend mad and suspicious, especially if she sees you hanging out with other girls too much. If you’re worried about how your girlfriend feels, take this quick quiz to find out if she’s jealous or not!

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your girlfriend ask questions about your friends?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No / Yes, but in a healthy way

2. Has your girlfriend ever asked to check your messages?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

3. Has your girlfriend ever told you she doesn’t trust you?

A. Yes, multiple times

B. Yes, sometimes 

C. No, never

4. Do you think your girlfriend has ever stalked you?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

5. Is your girlfriend clingy?

A. Yes, very clingy

B. Yes, somewhat clingy

C. No, not really

6. Does your girlfriend get upset when you’re not around?

A. Yes, she gets very upset

B. Yes, she’s somewhat upset

C. No, she doesn’t get upset

7. Does your girlfriend keep trying to get your attention?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

8. Does your girlfriend expect you to always put her first?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

9. Does your girlfriend get angry easily?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

10. Has your girlfriend ever accused you of cheating?

A. Yes, multiple times

B. Yes, a few times

C. No, never

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