Do You Always Follow Your Heart Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 32 | Updated: Mar 23, 2022
 Do You Always Follow Your Heart Quiz?
Following your heart is an important part of life if you want to achieve desired dreams and goals in your life. Many of us in life follow our hearts and our instinct to reach what is truly beneficial to us and what can help us achieve our goals. Others follow the popular recommendation and go after goals that others have created for them. This can end up being an unexpected win for many people, but some of us still want to follow what we truly want. Do you follow your heart and ambitions? Take this quiz to see if you genuinely do.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you listen to your gut?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

2. Do you have high ambitions and goals?

A. Of course

B. Maybe

C. No

3. Do you feel like your heart is always right?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

4. Do you think you have a purpose?

A. Absolutely

B. Possibly

C. Not really

5. What usually attracts you?

A. Things that I naturally love

B. Things that look nice

C. Things that people recommend to me

6. Is following your instincts a good thing to do?

A. Of course

B. Probably

C. No

7. What does your heart attract?

A. Positive things

B. Decent things

C. Insufficient things

8. Are you often unsatisfied with where you end up?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

9. Are you pursuing your goals?

A. Yes

B. Sort of

C. No

10. Do you listen to what others have to say about your journey?

A. Not really

B. It depends

C. Yes

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